Ok. I only have like... $10, but I'll figure something out. And you posted a lj response to me a few weeks ago (it was a while ago, I think) that made me happy and smile like none other, but I didn't respond to it. I thought I had, but I didn't. So now, I am thanking you for that. Because it really made me happy and I even saved the email of the notification so I could read it when I was sad. So, I hope things are going well for you, I miss and love you, hugs, BYE.
Comments 3
I'll pick you up at LAX. It'll be great. We can share my tiny little bed. And take over the world.
Maybe not one cabinet at a time. But definitely one something at a time ;)
I love you. Call me. Anytime. Cause I love you. And you should come live with me. Mwah mwah mwah.
And...was that you on AIM I saw the other day!? YOU SHOULD HAVE IMED ME YOU LITTLE BITCH! When I came back you were away! You skank.
UH! Anyways, love you much, bitch. Miss you tons.
Love always, Your bitch.
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