
Oct 09, 2006 12:10

This was written last night. Emotional overhaul so... you're warned ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

bella_sogno October 14 2006, 19:36:00 UTC
Fly to LA. Fly right now.

I'll pick you up at LAX. It'll be great. We can share my tiny little bed. And take over the world.

Maybe not one cabinet at a time. But definitely one something at a time ;)

I love you. Call me. Anytime. Cause I love you. And you should come live with me. Mwah mwah mwah.


molly_connelley October 15 2006, 02:05:59 UTC
Ok. I only have like... $10, but I'll figure something out. And you posted a lj response to me a few weeks ago (it was a while ago, I think) that made me happy and smile like none other, but I didn't respond to it. I thought I had, but I didn't. So now, I am thanking you for that. Because it really made me happy and I even saved the email of the notification so I could read it when I was sad. So, I hope things are going well for you, I miss and love you, hugs, BYE.


Aww... bella_sogno October 15 2006, 04:13:00 UTC
Well...let me know when you arrive and I'll be there. Waiting with a sign that says "Dollface".

And...was that you on AIM I saw the other day!? YOU SHOULD HAVE IMED ME YOU LITTLE BITCH! When I came back you were away! You skank.

UH! Anyways, love you much, bitch. Miss you tons.

Love always, Your bitch.


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