If anyone is interested in sewing cloth diapers for Miracle Diapers on a regular basis, we have recently started a yahoo group to coordinate our sewing volunteers-
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MDsewingvolunteers/ Knitting volunteers are welcome as well.
Comments 6
Yeah, things are okay. I'm quitting smoking again, and the last time I did that I lost my freaking mind, so this time I thought I'd lay low so as to not hurt anyone. The good news is this time the habit was much more mild and I seem to be kicking it with sanity mostly intact. Well, as intact as it ever is. A long email to you is on my to-do list, though.
what can I do to help?
Our drive is to stock up our Pennsylvania and Texas chapters who are just opening and they don't have anything. Also, I have a particular applicant in need of newborn and small sizes for her disabled baby. He has a stomach disorder and he only weighs 6 lbs at 3 months old- and he goes through 20-40 diapers a day. I was actually thinking of soliciting the clothdiapering board to see if I could find some preemie or small donations for this little guy. The disabled babies that will be in diapers forever or a really long time always pulls at my heart even more than usual.
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