This is a multi-part story featuring the pairing of Sean/Viggo with multiple OTC’s and other actors. It is set in near future RL. Absolutely none of this is true nor intended for profit or harm.
Rating: Very adult (NC-17) for the most part so beware if you don’t like slash or porn
Chapter 15: DeadlinePairing this chapter: Viggo/Sean
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Comments 19
I remember one someone on my Flist did a "Hey, seen this?? [link]" type post about the Lance Bass, and someone in the comments said something like, "Wow, wonder if there'll be a bunch of people coming out now? I hope one of them is So-and-so!!"
Unfortunately I don't think Bass is going to inspire anyone else to come out, unless they were coincidentally planning on doing it soon anyway. All the reasons for staying closetted are still there, and even Bass stayed in until he was sure his coming out couldn't hurt his bandmates. Because I agree with him -- it most likely would have. He came out because he has no need to be closetted anymore. All the guys we like still do, particularly the one she mentioned.
Do you have a link to that article, BTW? The one about how important it is, etc.? I haven't heard about that one. :/
It's not that well written imo, but the basic argument is solid, although I personally don't think Viggo is necessarily up for the same type roles as Vin nor drives in the same 18-25 yro males who want a mindless action movie. Which explains why Tom Cruise movies will do well until that same age group think he's too old to be credible. LOL, I think Viggo has a mid-level name recognition mostly as 'that guy who played Aragorn'.
I personally think Hugh Jackman (if he came out gay) would have more problems getting lead roles as he's been more in the lead actor/attractive man category in Hollywood than Viggo who is going to continue to play more 'art' lead roles.
Should be more tomorrow...
You've written Sean's utter frustration so very well . . . that feeling of helplessness that other people are running your life was so well drawn.
I feel sure Viggo will be stronger though . . . can't wait to find out!
Just a few chapters left now...
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