This was in a friend's myspace profile.

Jul 09, 2005 14:24

"I think everyone is born bisexual, and then human experience and environmental factors determine sexual preference. The spectrum of bisexuality is wider and more complex than many know. J.R. Little identifies at least 13 types of bisexuality, as defined by sexual desires and experiences. They are:

Alternative bisexuals: may have a relationship with a man and after that relationship ends, may choose a female partner for a subsequent relationship. Then, many go back to a male partner.

Circumstantial bisexuals: primarily heterosexual, but will choose same-sex partners only in situations where they have no access to other-sex partners, such as when in jail, in the military, or in a gender-segregated school.

Concurrent relationship bisexuals: have primary relationship with one gender only but have other casual or secondary relationships with people of another gender at the same time.

Conditional bisexuals: either straight or gay, but will switch to a relationship with another gender for financial or career gain or for a specific purpose, such as young straight males who become gay prostitutes, or gay women who get married to men in order to gain acceptance from family members or to have children.

Emotional bisexuals: have intimate emotional relationships with both men and women, but only have sexual relationships with one gender.

Integrated bisexuals: have more than one primary relationship at the same time, one with a man and one with a woman.

Exploratory bisexuals: either straight or gay, but have sex with another gender just to satisfy curiosity or “see what it’s like”.

Hedonistic bisexuals: primarily straight or gay, but will sometimes have sex with another gender primarily for fun or purely sexual satisfaction.

Recreational bisexuals: primarily straight but engage in gay sex only when under the influence of drugs and / or alcohol.

Isolated bisexuals: 100% straight or gay now but have had one or more sexual experience with another gender in the past.

Latent bisexuals: completely straight or gay in behaviour but have a strong desire for sex with another gender, yet have never acted on it.

Motivational bisexuals: straight women who have sex with other women only because a male partner insists on it to titillate him.

Transitional bisexuals: temporarily identify as bisexual while in the process of moving from being straight to being gay, or going from being gay to being heterosexual.

Many of these people might not call themselves bisexual, but because they are attracted to and have relationships with both men and women, they are in fact bisexual.

Furthermore, according to studies by Kinsey, more than 1/4 of all males have at least incidental homosexual experience or reactions over at least a three-year period between the ages of 16 and 55.

All of this shows why I think human sexuality is far too complex to label."

In other news, I nearly chopped my thumb off last night and started crying, not because it hurt, but because I was afraid I'd have to go get stitches and it'd be yet more money and another bad thing that happened yet again. *sigh* I got it to stop bleeding tho, luckily.

I <3 POM, tho. And J. And Alison. And everyone else who is sad (there was a 10 person list on a friend's LJ!) and should be happy RIGHT NOW.

p.s.- chris rules for giving me stuff i need for my class!!!
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