I have been wondering... is health a universal value or a cultural value?
I have been learning to realize that some things I used to think are universal values are in fact just values of my WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) middle class culture. I had just never experienced anything different in my somewhat sheltered life until now. Moving away
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Comments 4
Also, from what I remember in Mexico people were much more concerned with being healthy in the sense of not being sick, rather than general wellness or fitness people in the US seem to be obsessed with.
So in my opinion pursuit of health in one way or another might be pretty universal, but in different places people probably focus on different aspects of health and what IS healthy varies as well, depending on cultural values.
So the idea of what is "healthy" definitely changes from place to place. And it does have something to do with the amount of avaliable food.
But it depends on what you mean - if daily tending to your health means taking time to jog, then yes. Daily tending to your health can be a luxury. But if it means eating and drinking to keep yourself alive, then no, it's a necessity.
Your primary concern? That's tough. maybe the answer is finding a balance?
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