(no subject)

Dec 04, 2004 15:32

Name- Amanda
Age- 18
Birthday- Dec 26
Location- Nova Scotia Canada
Plastic Name- atomic plastic

Color- blue, mostly casue its the colour of water and i just like it.
Book- The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A.N. Roqulaire. Its just a really interesting book, i cant think of a way to say it, but its just so random, and completely unconventional.
Movie- Anything scary. (The Grudge, Saw, Signs, The Ring)
Actor- Jim Carey; hes hilarious and Canadian.
Actress- Angelina Jolie; shes naturally beautiful, and pure class.
Drink- chlorophyl water; (tastes just like minty water, it detoxifies your body and boosts energy... also helps cure hangovers ;))
Food- cheesecake
Place- under the sea; i've been scuba diving a couple times and its so untouched and gorgoues down there.
Smell- vanilla.

This or That(why?)*
Britney or Christina- Christina; she's got the better voice, and is wayyy hotter.
Black or White- black; i hate white, its just so ... bland.
Half full or Half Empty- half-full; most of the time im optomisitc
Winter or Summer- winter; yeah its cold but i like it.

Spring or Fall- spring.
Alone or Accompanied- depends. sometimes i just want to be alone (if im doing something I dont want other people to know about, or if I'm in a bad mood) but most of the time accompanied. Things are just more fun when your friends are around.
Boys or Girls(as friends)- Both are good and bad. Most of my friends are guys, mostly cause the program im in at university is male-dominated, my roomate is a guy. I tend to get along better with guys; im very crude, and dont act like the "sterotypical girl"  But there are just some things that a girl friend can do for you that  a guy cant; shopping, girltalks, advice, and most important, helping you ductape your boobs into a formal dress :P
Hot or Not- hot.

Opinions(explain please!)*
War- Well, I'm not very political but i do believe that war should be a last resort.  Its a terrible thing, but i can understand that sometimes its the only option.
Abortion- Pro-Choice.  Having never been in the position of being young, single, and pregnant, I dont know what i would do; its easy enough to say "oh, I would never have an abortion". but i have known girls that like, and their opinoin changed quickly when they were young and pregnant.  Weither or not I would have one or not, i would like to have to choice.  I think it is wrong to start abusing that choice however; using abortion as a form of birth control is definantly wrong, as well as terminanting a pregnancy late in the pregnancy. An abortion occurs in the first trimester, after that i beleive it is murder. 
Eminem- He's a hottie and sure his music is controversial, but he's allowed to have an opinoin, just like all of us.
Premarital Sex- Its a persons choice wether or not they want to have sex.  If someone thinks they are ready (before they are married) then go ahead; i dont think there is anything wrong with it.
George W. Bush- Well, Im Canadian, and not very political; so I dont really have an opinoin about the man.

Promote to at least one community- http://www.livejournal.com/community/communitywhore_/73902.html

3 face pics

1 body shot

well ... a really bad shot but its the closest thing to a body shot where im not being an idiot. (im in the middle in the black dress)

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