Only in NC

Oct 07, 2003 20:41

Does anyone else hate driving down the street and seeing some homemade sign that states the obvious like, "we love our troops", "booze it or lose it". Well after work I saw a homemade huge sing that said, "we love our children ALIVE! SO SLOW DOWN". You stupid fuckers and I saw the jerk driving on his riding lawn mower I can bet anything he made ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

resolution666 October 8 2003, 05:30:06 UTC
jon, youre cute, you can find someone a little closer to home....even if she is your cousin....BUT you live in north carolina, so im sure its legal....goddamn rednecks....

good LAWD sunshine


silvermendacity October 9 2003, 22:36:53 UTC
What happened to Shannon?


ohhhh_goddamnit November 13 2003, 04:41:27 UTC
hey meat man.

just wanted to let you know i have a new journal.

add me back or ill cut ya.

yo baby mama.


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