My Bedroom
How many windows are in your room?: 3: The two normal ones and the big picture window.
What color are your walls?: Bright blue
Hardwood floor, tile, or carpet?: Hardwood with some small carpets.
Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom? Both. Ish.
What kind of bed do you have?: Full
What does your comforter look like?: Brightly colored, striped.
How many pillows do you have?: 5, but I only use two. And even then one usually falls off the bed.
is it big or small?: Big, but filled with stuff.
Is it clean? Okay, I think my room is a wreck, but most people come over and are like "OMFG SO CLEAN."
Do you have curtains or blinds? Both. The curtains are just decoration though.
If yes what color(s) are they? Blinds are white, curtains are sheer white with beads hanging with them.
Do you have the following in your room:
Desk? Nope
More than 3 sources of light? Yeah. Windows, flashlight, and ceiling lights.
Phone? Yeah, but it's dead...
Chair? Uhm yes I have the papasan chair right now.
Bookshelf? Yup.
Dresser? I've got two
TV? I have a crappy one, but yeah
CD player/stereo? Oh yes
Bean bag chair? No! But I really wanted these. I got the papasan chair for free though so I won't complain.
Computer? No. My parents thought they'd never see me again. So they put it down here.
Posters? Yeah
Paintings? Only my own!
Pictures? Sure
Walk in closet? No
Large mirror? yeah
Bed? Is anyone going to say no to this one??
Drumset? No.
Bathroom? Nope. Always wanted my own though..
Clock? Yes
Clothes on the floor? No
Box of tissues? No
Guitar? Yes
Lava lamp? No! Mine broke!
Smoke detector? Yeah
Piano/keyboard? I have a broken keyboard...
Bongos? No. This would be amazing.
A bin(a laundry bin)? No.
Locking door? No. Again because my parents thought they'd never see me...
Empty or non empty can(s) of soda? No
Bottle of Water? An empty one.
Playstation or another game source? PS2, hooray!
Something about your own country? Like flags and stuff? Sure.
Medals? Ribbons.
Trophies? No
Awards? Not really
Water polo ball? Uhm let's say no.
Soccer ball? Nope
Softball stuff? No.
Over 100 cds? Yes, 113 at last count!
Surround sound? Hot damn yes
Empty liquor bottles? uhm ROFL no.
Flag? I have a freek one...
Posters of females? No. Unless you count David Bowie.
Stop sign? No.
Gun? Wtf no.
Dog bed? No he sleeps downstairs
Picture of your g/f / b/f? I don't have a "b/f" and if I did I probably would not have a picture.
Stuffed animal(s)? Oh yeah
Calendar? It's from November of 2005, but yeah
Candles? Yes. They make me happy.
Hats? Uh huh
Vibrator? no
Dildo? No.
Lubricant? Nope.
Porn? No.
Baseball Cards? No
Dirty Cups? Read "empty water bottle"
Speakers? Yeah
Concert Tickets? YEAH!
Text Books? Like 5 yes
Sun Glasses? Bonoshades
Back Pack? Lives down here
Road Signs (Ex: No Parking // STOP Signs)? No. I always wanted POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS tape though
Something Soft? Sure
Something Rough? Dead Pufferfish! Yay!
Something Blue? Walls
Something Red? Shirt and parts of comforter
Something About The Opposite Sex? Do taylor's sweatshirts count?
Something About The SAME Sex? I think I have one of those puberty books kicking around somewhere.
Hole Puncher? No
Stapler? No.
Well that killed some time.