-First best friend: Kimber I think
-First real memory of something:
-First car: '95 red Ford F250
-First date: Skating rink 2 years ago
-First job: Not old enough for a job
-First screen name: gcsriotgirl620
-First funeral: Grandfather
-First pets: Black lab named Missy
-First piercing/tattoo: Ears
-First credit card:
-First true love: Won't name names
-First enemy: I dunno
-First big trip: Little Rock, Arkansas
-Last cigarette: Month or so ago ::gags::
-Last big car ride: Virginia
-Last kiss: Graham
-Last good cry: Sometime last week
-Last library book checked out: Don't check out books from libraries
-Last movie seen: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
-Last beverage drank: Water
-Last food consumed: Blueberry muffin
-Last crush: Jamie Foice
-Last phone call: Dad
-Last time showered: Last night
-Last shoes worn: New Balances
-Last CD played: Fall Out Boy or some mix Danielle had
-Last item bought:
-Last annoyance:
-Last disappointment:
-Last soda drank: Coke
-Last time scolded: Been a while
-Last shirt worn: Old Navy hoodie and Hooters shirt
-Last website visited: LiveJournal of course
-Last good talk you had with someone: Last night at Danielle's
1. Who would you most like to get stuck in a elevator with: I dunno
2. Were you named after anyone?: Yeah
3. Do you wish on stars?: Occasionally
4. Which finger is your favorite?: Pssh I dunno..
5. When did you last cry?: Already answered this..last week
6. Do you like your handwriting? Yeah
7. What is your favorite lunch?: ...
8. What do you think this question was before someone deleted it?: ::shrugs::
9. What is your most embarrassing CD?: Any of the crap I had in elementary school like Britney Spears or something
10. If you were another person, would your friends be friends with you and why?: I dunno
11. Are you a daredevil?: Kinda
12. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?: Yeah I think everybody has
13. Do looks matter?: They're a plus
14. Have you ever misused a word and it sounded absolutely stupid?: Of course
15. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: Sure
16. Do fish have feelings?: Maybe
17. Are you trendy?: Nah I don't guess so
18. How do you release anger?: THROW PENS! (haha Taran), or have angsty screaming fits
19. Where is your second home?: Hope's house
20. Do you trust others easily?: Nope
21. What was your favorite toy as a child?: Umm I don't remember
22. What class in school do you think is totally useless?: Freshman Success, Biology..
23. Do you like sappy love songs?: Every once in a while
24. Have you ever been on radio or television?: Yep
25. Do you have a journal?: Yes, this one and a real journal
26. Do you use sarcasm a lot?: Nooo
27. Have you ever been in a mosh pit: Nope
28. What do you look for in a guy/girl?: Not cocky, kind, smart, athletic, taller than me (not hard to find)
29. What are your nicknames?: Miller, Kater Tater, Tater Tot..
30. Would you bungee jump?: I kinda have
31. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Sometimes
32. What are you worried about right now?: Nothing
33. Do you ever wear overalls?: Nope
34. Do you think that you are strong?: Emotionally: I'm a lot better than I used to be, and physically: eh, I guess so
35. What's your favorite ice cream flavor: Strawberry
36. What's your favorite color?: Dark blue, green, pink, red..
37. What is your least favorite thing in the world?: Umm..
38. How many wisdom teeth do you have?: I dunno
39. Are you in love with anyone?: Maybe
40. How many people have a crush on you right now?: 1
41. Who do you miss most right now?: Hope
42. Could you spend your life with just one person?: Yep
43. Would you rather spend your life with the one guy/girl you love, or spend your life cheating and getting everyone you can?: One person
44. If you loved someone, would you still cheat on them if you knew you could get away with it?: Nope, I couldn't do that to someone and my conscience would catch up with me
45. Describe your future: Can't
46. Do you think you are attractive?: Not particularly
47. Name 3 people that care?: Taran, Danielle, Jake
48. What are you looking forward to? Later this week
49. Last song you sang? "Perfect Situation" by Weezer