I would post but sitting and typing ruins my look.
A is for AGE: 14.9, MY BDAY IS IN 18 dayzzz
B is for BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND: negative.
C is for CAREER IN FUTURE: pssh im going to be famous
D is for DAD'S NAME: salvatore
F is for FAVOURITE SONG AT THE MOMENT: forsure uhm, wait, i don't know
G is for GUY/GIRLS YOU'VE KISSED: ehhh, a handful
I is for INSTRUMENTS YOU CAN PLAY: barely any
J is for JOB TITLE: none currently, but ima be getting one soon. yay :)
K is for KIDS: never in my life. they are the devil.
L is for LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: wif some hotties
M is for MIDDLE NAME: ann..
N is for NUMBER OF PEOPLE YOU'VE SLEPT WITH: zero, sorry boys. ;D
O is for OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: ooh there have been a few
P is for PHOBIAS: spiders. clowns. people watching me in my sleep. underthebedphobia. public bathrooms
Q is for QUOTE YOU LIKE: heres the only one i can think of right off the top of my head "I always tell the girls never take it seriously. If you never take it seriously then you never get hurt. If you never get hurt then you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely you can just go to the record store and visit your friends." -penny lane. almost famous.
R is for RELATIONSHIP THAT LASTED THE LONGEST: relationship? what's that? ;D
S is for SEXUAL POSITION: yo my sex life is a zero.
T is for TIME YOU WAKE UP EVERYDAY: 5:55am [monday-friday] 9:30-ish[weekends]
U is for UNIQUE TRAITS: i microwave my icecream for 45 seconds. i say girl werid, i make werid noises/faces when i get mad/excited uhm, i have a bunch, but your going to make fun of me.
W is for WORST HABIT: i fall for guys too fast
X is for XRAY'S YOU'VE HAD: teeth.
Y is for YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: grilled cheese, microwavable dinners, cereal?
Z is for ZODIAC SIGN: pieces
bold those that are true. I have kissed someone:
on the cheek.
on the lips.
on their hands or fingers.
in my room.
in their room.
of the same sex.
of the opposite sex.
younger than me.
older than me.
with jet black hair.
with curly hair.
with blonde hair & blue eyes.
with flaming red hair.
with straight hair.
smaller/shorter than me.
bigger/taller than me.
with a lip ring.
who was drunk.
who was high.
who I had just met.
who was homosexual.
who I didn't really want to kiss.
on a holiday.
who was going out with someone else.
who was going out with someone close to me.
who was my good friend's brother or sister.
who had been/is in jail.
in a graveyard.
at a show/concert.
at the beach.
in a pool, jacuzzi, or some type of water
who was legally too young/old for me to have sex with.
with dyed hair.
with a shaved head.
who was/is my good friend.
who was/is in a band.
who has tattoos.
who is of a completely different race than me.
in the rain.
from another continent besides where I was born.
with an accent.
with an std.
on a boat.
in a car/taxi/bus.
on a plane.
at the circus/carnival.
with a missing body part.
in the movies.
eskimo style.
with the lights out
+ About Yourself +
Name :: kristina
Age :: fourteen, ALMOST 15.
Date of birth :: march 20
Gender :: girl
time: 3:23 pm
Where are you from? :: germantown
Nicknames :: John-grey, tina, tinatina, ann, stina, k-tina, tina fab., xtina, kay, kk, oh god i have so many .. theres more..
Middle name(s) :: ann
Do you have any pets? :: 2 cats
What makes you happiest? :: my friends, music, hotties
What makes you the saddest? :: a lot of things. boys used to mainly, but im trying to get over that.
+ Have You Ever +
Said ‘I Love You’ and not meant it? :: im not sure
Taken drugs? :: not weed and illegal drugs; but like, medicine yes
Been cautioned/arrested? :: does hechts count?
Been to a concert? :: yes.
Cried during a movie? :: who hasn't?
Been on stage? :: yeah
Witnessed a crime? :: haha yes
Swore at your parents? :: yeah, but i got soap in the mouth, =X
Been abroad? :: abroad?
Failed a grade? :: no
+ Last Thing You Did +
Last thing you ate :: gum
Last drink you drank :: water
Last magazine you read :: some mag. with fab. clothing
Last person you spoke to :: my dad
Last person you emailed :: e-mail is for losers
Last thing you bought :: like i remember, i think it was water
Last shop you went in :: shop? well, i went to a store..
Last song you listened to :: rufio;she cries
Last website you went on :: livejournal.
Last time you said anything :: im singing riiight now.
+ Celebrities +
Which celebrity would you most like to meet? :: umm.. would he be considered a celeb?
Who was your first celeb crush? :: def. the backstreet boys, come on they were hotties.
Who is you current celeb crush? :: your mom.
Which celebs have your parents got crushes on? :: HAHA.
Have you ever met a famous person? :: YES, and i got a hug, yay.
Have you ever seen a band in concert? :: of course
+ Favourites +
Favourite colour :: ohh neon colors!
Favourite band :: kjsdklasjdkajsd
Favourite solo singer :: not sure
Favourite film :: i like aloot.
Favourite song :: do i have one? i wish i knew, it changes weekly
Favourite album :: not so sure
Favourite TV programme :: uhm, well on wenesday i watch wife swap, on thursdays i watch the OC, sundays i watch arthur and thats 70s show, and saturdays i watch boy meets world, so i guess it depends on the day.
Favourite F.R.I.E.N.D.S character :: Joey
Favourite day of the week :: friday NIGHT or saturday.
Favourite day of the year :: my birthday. =[ sounds a little selfish but oh well.
Favourite type of music :: whateve
Favourite TV channel ::
Favourite boys name :: kyler, john-grey, able, i have so many.
Favourite girls name :: kristina. haha kidding uhm..
+ Body Matters +
Do you like your body? :: uh no.
What would you change about your body if you had the chance? :: e v e r y t h i n g
+ Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes +
Do you like the shape of your head? Yes, i LOVE THE SHAPE OF MY HEAD, actually, i never noticed it before. is that werid?
Do you like your eyes? yeah, sometimes.
What colour are your eyes? blue
What would you change about your face? i like my lips. and i have a nice nose? so everything else.
Have you got broad shoulders? :: i .. let me check.
Do you like your shoulders? :: haha YES. OH YES.
Have you got knobbly knees? :: ? yes, they are very very knobbly.. if i knew what that ment.
Are they fat/chubby/skinny? :: my knees? haha all of the above.
Do like your feet? :: no feet are grosse
Describe your feet? :: any feet are u g l y.
+ Tattoos and Piercings +
Have you got any tattoos or piercings? :: my ears are peirced..
How many do you have? :: 2
What are they of? :: ears.
Do you think lip, belly, eyebrow and nose piercings look good? :: depends on the person, i like it on hotties.
What do you think of sleeves (tattoos all on the arm)? :: hot, yes, no.
Would you ever consider getting a tattoo - if you don’t already have one? :: ehh, it wouldn't look right on me.
If yes, what would you have? :: something that meant something to me.. duh thats what the hardcore guys do, and i want to be in a biker gang.
+ Emotions +
Do you show your emotions much? :: at times, like right about now.
What scares you most in life? :: a lot. like, love, dying, wasting my life, stupid things like that
What angers you most in life? :: annoying people who: act like someone they arent to impress people. When people don't realize things
What upsets you most in life? :: the things that scare me i guess..
What makes you happy in life? :: friends
What helps cheer you up? :: hugs and laughing. talking to my friends;and a few certain people.
Who is usually there for you when you feel down? :: most of my friends.
Are you more optimistic then pessimistic? :: um it depends on if something happens
Is the glass half full or half empty? :: full
How short is your temper? :: it depends. sometimes its SUPER SHORT.
+ Choose One +
Tom Delonge/Mark Hoppus :: tom delonge
Blink-182/Busted :: Blink 182
Busted/McFly :: neither
Ashton Kutcher/Topher Grace :: ashton kutcher, don't know they other guys
Watching movies at home/Watching movies at the cinemas :: depends on who i am with
Crisps/Chips :: Chips, because i dunno what crisps are lol
McDonalds/KFC :: mcdonalds. KFC .. NOOOO
Rock music/Pop music :: poprocks
Punk/RnB :: rnb =] and punk =}
Black/White :: both together
Hot/Cold :: cold
Red/Blue :: blue
Happy/Sad :: happy
Cameron Diaz/Drew Barrymore :: cameron
Avril Lavigne/Fefe Dobson :: fefe!
Talking over the phone/Talking face to face :: face to face, but phone calls are fun.
+ Random Questions +
If you could have one wish in the world, what would it be? :: forrrr all my friends&family&me to live foreverrr and be happy .. ugh, i don't know stupid.
If you had the chance to meet 3 people, dead or alive, which 3 would you choose? ::
1) abe lincon
2) wouldn't you
3) like to know
Who would play you in a film about your life? :: john-grey
What’s the first word you lay your eyes on after you’ve finished reading this sentence? :: piggy back ride
Do you have posters on your wall? :: some, most are in my closet cause they don't fit on the walls
If yes, how many have you got? :: uhm 345673
Who or what are they of? :: random
What will you be doing at 9:00 tonight? :: well. i might be out with my friends most likly
How much jewellery are you wearing at the minute and what are you wearing? :: just a bracelet that was given to me by my great friend jordan
Do you have a life motto? ::yes, but you can't know.
Have you ever been in love? :: no
Who was your first non-famous crush? :: well, i had a crush on this kid wesley in 3rd grade. and i cried when i moved, and then we went to the park together.
What is your marital status? :: single, hotties.
What is the weather like outside right now? :: cold windy, not kristinas type
Pick up one thing from your desk, what is it? :: a cd labeled, GREATEST CD EVER SO CLEAN that i made a week ago
Do you like watching TV? :: only on those days explained above
Describe the chair you’re sitting on :: purple, it spins, it has wheels, my track jacket is hanging off it.
Have you enjoyed this survey? :: yes im so bored, but now i think im going to the mall bye
Now, we will finish as we started - what is the time? 345