Name: Kenny
Age: 15
Where are you coming from?: Culver City, Los Angeles, California
What kind of music do you listen to?: Ska, some punk, some indie, some classic rock
List your favorite artists here: Madness, The Specials, Elliott Smith, The Defects, Dead Kennedys, The Blur, Black Flag...
Favorite foods: Almost any Italian Food, Japanese food, and Greek Food
Favorite movies: Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Fahrenheit 9/11, Canadian Bacon
If you won the lottery, what would you do with all the money?: Donate a lot to Amnesty International and other pro- peace organizations, then buy everthing i ever wanted and save the rest to spend on my kids if i have any.
What's your greatest memory?: Summer 2004 when my friends and i would longboard every damn night.
And your worst?: When my friend died in a car accident
If you could be the opposite sex for one day, what's the first thing you would do?: i have no idea
Do you love Rosie and Kelsey, your mods?: well if they started a community for awesome people then they must be awesome too
President Bush: i dont agree with his agenda and i feel that going to war for the reasons he did was ridiculous, not to mention the debt we plunged into.
Trends: many of them are stupid, though some trends are cool.
Drugs: i dont like 'em
Suicide: nobody should ever commit suicide cause no matter what there will always be someone there for you.
War: who is pro something that takes innocent lives and corrupts nations
Finishing Touches
Why do you think we should let you join this community?: cause i want to be in a community with kick ass members and this is just that (from what i have read)
Promote this community, prove it with a link: last words?: i hope you liked my app! oh yeah and i will have pics in a day or so.