i was reading the freedom writers diary which i just bought, and decided to go to the websites for the foundation and the movie. and from the movie site there was a link to a youtube group at youtube.com/beheard
so as i was looking at a few of the topics in the group, i read a lot of posts like these:
flavourdan (6 days ago)
I could never fully respect or trust anyone who is religious. Is it not insanity? - believing in something without seeing any evidence? Of course it is. In this sense one can therefore conclude that religious people are insane. Sorry if that's offensive.
Same guy - flavourdan (5 days ago)
Right, it's fine to believe there is a 'god' - something very complex that we don't understand, but to start believing made up specifics about that god is what I'm referring to. These people have demonstrated a capacity to abandon reason. The insanity is obviously there in these people, it's just a question of how else it will reveal itself. Scary.
RevolutionarySon (2 days ago)
Long before the first Christian Crusades There Lived a Blind Syrian Poet who stated.
The Jews the Muslims the Christians They have All got it Wrong.
There are two types of people in this world, Those with Brains and No Religion, and Those with Religion and No Brains.
Even A Blind Man who lived Thousands of years ago could See the Truth about Humanity.
mlh244 (5 days ago)
Religion isn't a scapegoat, it's the whole damn problem.
tribelessone2 (1 week ago)
Actually, objective, rational, free-thinkers are rejecting religion, faith, God and all the bullshit associated with an imaginary friend in the sky because thier pathetic, ignorant squabbles with fucked up agendas have gone on long enough. And the winner is...............logic! :)
and basically, i am so appalled. i'm obviously not surprised that people like this exist, because i know there is someone out there with every possible opinion. but really it's because i went to that site looking to see a conversation on tolerance, acceptance, and understanding. if any of you have read the book or seen the movie, you know that that's the point of the whole thing; to speak out against judging people, intolerance, etc. and although the example used in the movie/book is primarily race, this idea is meant to apply to everything - race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, etc.
i totally respect the rights of people to believe whatever they want about God or the lack thereof, but to make such offensive and ignorant statements and to say that all people who believe in a religion are "insane" or have "no brains".
i don't really know what else to say-i'm sleepy and tired, but i had to write this out somewhere.
anyway...i'm really sad now...this is sort of evidence to me that no matter how much progress is made in the areas of tolerance and understanding, there will always be people (like these) who are ignorant and insensitive.
the end. :(