Apr 26, 2004 17:19
the cult classic mood of sorrow lingers on your tongue, slipping a bit more with every masked word that passes through your teeth. you're one heart-beat from a break down, and we're all taking shelter in our apathy.
Apr 07, 2004 21:06
make a noose.
head to the train bridge.
and watch the sun set at noon.
the perfect family vacation.
Apr 04, 2004 22:12
if i could build a bridge over anything,
it would be over that which may come between us.
Apr 01, 2004 21:45
somewhere between march and may,
i got lost in your arms.
i've yet to find my way back again,
but i don't think that i mind.
Mar 28, 2004 21:56
maybe the whole idea of opening pandora's box was just a metaphor for being "open-hearted" and honest.
Mar 21, 2004 21:46
i am continually awe struck by the way you can take all of my hopes, and dreams, and throw them to the ground. You then proceed to walk over them, like a red carpet made just for your feet as you exit.
Mar 14, 2004 21:26
i'd like to thank your hollow heart
for letting my "i love you"'s echo.
Mar 11, 2004 21:13
we can sink below the horizon
and drown in the soils tides,
our bloodied hands will bloom
into something beautiful.