Name: Cait
Age: 15
Birth date and Sign: 1/9/1994 - Capricorn
Color: Purple
Food: Pasta & Sweets
Season: Winter
School Subject: English, World History
Recreational activity(s): Swimming, Photography, Piano, Drawing
Sailor Moon character and why: Sailor Saturn - She always seemed so calm and thoughtful to me...and she had my favorite colored fuku >_>"
[Least Favourite]
Food: Milk
Season: Spring
School Subject: P.E. & Math - So demoralizing -_-" (Math = I stink at it; P.E. = I'm good at athletics, but I find P.E. just unneeded social torture.)
Sailor Moon character and why: Nehelnia - Her laugh...so annoying =.="
Element you most identify with (BE HONEST!): Well, my sign says Earth, but because I'm always swimming, and the forms of which water can take and be used, I'd say I'm water (lol, long excuse).
Hobbies: Photography, Drawing
Describe yourself: Uhm...let's see...I still have a hard time deciding who I am (teenager stuff I guess). People call me a walking contradiction because I'm a little bit of everything including the opposites of what I am. Like my moods, my clothing, and just everything else in general. Overall, I'm a quiet person who keeps to them self and works on their own. I never tell anyone about what's bothering me or if I am pain (unless it's super painful and needs meds...) & I always try to work things out on my own. I often make friends out of being considered the "shy" girl. I focus on my studies and only have a couple friends really yet I'm the one who everyone comes to for advice and comfort.
If you were going to be a Sailor Scout (meaning you have create a new Scout) who would you be, what would be your powers, your background, etc?
Er, I'd be the scout that everyone would have to watch over and make sure I didn't do something reckless and yet I'd be the one who was quiet. I'd probably be destroying things in mind of something new.
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