YEs Pootie Tang is staying. So umm lemme think any other news oh ya this chick at the theatre camp always wears thongs and like they ALWAYS pop up reeEEEaaaAAAAlll high argh i swear every day she has worn a thong Its annoying! And shes coming to Booluh T next year but anyways me final thought is. GIRLS SHUD DRESS MORE MODESTLY
Betcha im the only kid on the block who knows that a Mutra (sp) is. anyways ya Great Gatsby us boring me But its alright I forgot to do the chapter thingies as i read the chapter. oy. anyways yep!
Yep nothings up Monday i start my DTC classes not to be confused with DCT Umm. ya, Im taking ethinic dance as part of itt. then July i take the drummming camp for 12 hours a day. oy... Bloop!