Okay so...this has been a busy/exciting week. Hilton Head w. Caro Kim Kate and Jessy was awesome. First home game tonight which I hate to admit it, made me want to go back to school.
Well I have reached my webshots limit apparently...so I had to make a new account to put up more pictures so
here they are. Tanning on the beach, middle aged men taking pictures of us, my dad being a physco [carolyn +him =american beauty bahah], close calls, seeing a new side of jessy, seeing a new side of me, the beasts, baby prosty, stalkers, skinny dipping, being covered in sand, 'gaterade', stealing, insane amount of text messages, chinease restaurant, prank phone calls, "what up playa!", caro & kim's 'i'm not okay' video, "SAVAGES SAVAGES bareley even hummman", truth or dare, "it's like wrestling with a grizley bear, you just don't do it"[even though i was in the shower for that, still funny to me], "myyyyyyy body? ohhh that's sad!", all the crazy characters we meet, "excuse me, will you please take my virginity?", kid from germany, climbing over the fence, doing new things baha, rents walking in on afro man-cult45[dad:"ohh cult 45"], ditching people, it's not good having the bathroom connected to the bedroom, "it's like i'm a goddess and god is calling out to me at each lightning strike", "let's try not making fun of each other this whole trip"haha yeaa right, SO MUCh MORE and now real world is on so i'm done with my dedication to HHI.