(no subject)

Apr 16, 2008 10:40

Wanna be a pretty boy.
Wanna be on Solid Gold.
Wanna date a millionaire.
Wanna make people stare.

I wanna be on TV.
Want people to know me.
I wanna be on TV.

Name: Mingxia Lin Fleetwood (Currently goes by Lin, and gets annoyed when people call her Mac. :/)
Age/Birthdate: 23, June 1, 1984
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Actress (Or so she'd have you believe.) Currently working on a fake snuff film made by Toe Tag Pictures. Delivery Girl at Peking Hunan Park.

Fairytale: Katrina Van Tassel from Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Ability, if any: None.
Status: She doesn't tell people unless they flat out ask. Otherwise, she'll just avoid the question entirely. It's not like she's worried about people finding out, but it's kind of rude. Sort of like asking how much someone weighs.

History: Lin was always glued to the TV, even as a small child. It didn't matter what was on, she loved every second of it. She would even act out commercials in her room with her stuffed animals, and would beg her mother for things at the store based on how much she liked the commercial. She honestly was the poster child of consumerism, and still is to this day, though you'd be hard pressed to have her admit to that. Nor would she ever admit to still acting out commercials in front of the mirror in the bathroom, but that's a story for another time.

Lin's parents couldn't have been any more different if they had tried. Zhao Ya Zhi, Lin's mother, was from Nanjing, and was vacationing in Sydney when she met Douglas Fleetwood. The two had a very steamy affair over the two weeks that she was in Australia, and as soon as it had started, it was over. However, it wasn't long after that when she found out that she was pregnant. She moved back to Australia, at Douglas' request, and the two were married, no questions asked.

Mingxia Lin Fleetwood was a sweet and precious little child that never raised her voice, except when she was torn away from her TV. Which happened to be at least once a year, when her mother would have the family go to Nanjing to visit Lin's grandparents. Some years it was two or maybe three times. She was taught how to speak Chinese, but normally forgot most of it a month or two after she left. She just didn't have a reason to keep using it. The TV used English, her friends used English, there was no real issue. To this day she still retains a bit of her knowledge of the Chinese language, but it's nothing compared to what some people would believe she knew. Actually, most people think it's odd when she opens her mouth and the Aussie accent comes out.

The one thing she did keep from her jaunts into China, was the deeply rooted hatred of the Japanese people that her Grandparents drilled into her day in and day out. She heard all about the Nanjing Massacre, and how horrible the Japanese people are, and what they did, and all Lin could really think was that 'Jeez, I wish they had a movie of this instead of just blabbering on and on and on and on...' but it all served it's purpose, and now Lin gets exceptionally offended if someone thinks that she might be Japanese.

Her school life was easy enough, and she made plenty of friends, but that call of Hollywood always sat there in the back of her head. She needed it. She desired it more than anything. So, once she graduated high school, she applied to go to UCLA. It stunned her to no end when she got accepted, and she just knew that she was meant to be on television, and this was a sign. Of course, when she was 18, that was when the dreams started. Dreams where she lived in a small town, everything was dreamy, laid back, simple country life. She wanted for nothing, and could have her pick of any of the boys in town. The handsome Brom, the lanky schoolmaster... it was all so clear in her mind. The rumors of the ghost even stayed with her when she woke up. But, she just figured it was her mind playing tricks on her.

Lin started off having a great time at UCLA. Her roommate was pretty awesome, and she had loads of friends that wanted to break into acting just like her. It just so happened that she was talking to one of these friends when they mentioned applying for The Real World. Lin thought it was a stupid idea, but when they said that it was going to be taping in Paris, she figured she might as well give it a shot. She sent in the tape and application and was shocked (SHOCKED) to find out that they had accepted her. With hardly a second thought to her roommate, her school, or anything else, she hopped on that plane and flew out to Paris to take part in the 13th season of The Real World.

She was out there for some time, and did what the producers told them to do, but all the cameras, all the lights... Lin was hooked. She needed to be on TV, and there was no doubt in her mind. This was what she had been born for. Sure, they had to write reviews for nightclubs and bars, but Lin played much more towards the camera, and became a favorite amongst the people that still watched the show.

Unfortunately, once The Real World was over with, Lin had to go back home, and she had nothing back in California for her. She had dropped out of school, and she couldn't afford to stay out there without her parents help, and her student Visa wasn't good anymore, so she moved back to Australia. Her parents urged her to go back to school, to start classes at the University of Sydney, but Lin needed to be in front of a camera. It was only a few weeks when she returned that her father's parents died in a car accident. They went to Melbourne for the funeral, and just as all the paperwork and inheritance issues were being resolved, Lin's mother's parents died in Nanjing within days of each other. They went to China to take care of that tragedy, and finally once everything was over and done with, her parents once more begged her to go to school. She initially accepted her parents offer, but what happened then was far more entertaining.

A few weeks before school was to start, there was the Australian Idol auditions. Lin had missed the first one, and she would be damned if she was going to miss this one. It turned out for the best, at least in her mind. She impressed the judges with her audition, and was in. She had an on again off again sort of relationship with Anthony Callea on the show. Basically they would flirt endlessly, but nothing ever came of it. Still, Lin became one of the Australian Idol sweethearts, always playing to the crowd and the camera, and was finally eliminated in sixth place.

She loved being on camera, and she loved that she could go online and find fan pages devoted to her, but there were also the people that hated her, and that was when she realized the bad part of being famous. Some of the comments hurt, and while she tried again to go back to school to take some acting lessons, she couldn't stop the addiction of being in front of a camera and sent in an application to be on Shopping for Love. It was easy enough for her to play on her semi-fame of being on Australian Idol, but it was just weird to have to go out on a date with some guy because he bought you better stuff than the other guy. She vowed that she'd never go on another dating show again, but that hardly meant another reality show.

Shortly after Shopping for Love was filmed, Lin was accepted into Australian Princess. She was not the type for the show, but she really did try. More than anything. It was hard for her to be picture perfect, and she knew she wasn't going to win, but she did manage to beat out a few of the girls, and came in seventh place.

It was the end of 2005 when the dreams she had started becoming more and more and more real, and kept calling for her to go to New York. That was where the town was. She knew it. Some small town in New York, where everyone knew everyone else, and life would be simply idyllic. So, with that in mind, she explained to her parents that she was going to New York to follow a dream (which they assumed she meant to become an actress), she took some of the inheritance money, enough for her to be able to sustain herself for a year or so, and flew out to New York just after the New Year in 2006.

Everything was all fine and dandy, but it was all new and completely different than being in California. Who knew the United States could be so diverse. Still, she knew that the town had to be near by, and if she could just find the right bridge... it was just hard since she had to figure out someway to make money and still be able to drive around and find this town. On top of that she had to find somewhere to live. It was a pain. She probably should have stayed in Sydney. Lin wound up finding a roommate and took up a job as a delivery girl for Peking Hunan Park.

She had been doing her trips when she had a day off, or any spare time, but she just couldn't place it right. It was then that she was approached by a rather stern looking woman that half-heartedly explained that she was the reincarnation of Katrina Van Tassel from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Lin just stared at her slack-jawed. She had to be kidding. After a few snarky comments, the woman left, and it took a bit for it to all sink in.

Of course, it all became perfectly clear once Lin went up to Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow on her next day off. It was true. She felt at home there, and that was the exact place she was meant to be. Though, it was hard to even think straight with all the memories that came rushing back as she entered the town, and it was difficult for her to discern what was real around her and what wasn't. She could see her family's farm, she could see the old school house, she could see the bridge, but other people were there and dressed in modern day clothing. It was wrong. It was all wrong. She got in her car and drove as fast as she could out of there, and as soon as she was out of the city limits she pulled over and threw up on the side of the road, needing to lay down for about fifteen minutes just to clear her head enough to drive.

Lin eventually learned to accept it, and vowed never to set foot in that town again, no matter how much it called to her to go. She got her Compendium, and she moved in to the Pentamerone, though she was hardly the ideal roommate since she had a tendency to annoy most people when kept in close quarters with her for long periods of time. The non-stop talking about being a star generally did that. Or how she met so many great people, or how Australia is so much better, or any number of things that kept rolling out of her mouth over and over again. Over the course of a year, she had gone through more roommates than most people did in their lifetime, and wound up finally bunking alone. It was better that way.

Still, over the course of her time in New York, she kept on trying to get on reality TV shows. Lin auditioned for ever instance of American Idol that she could, but Simon Cowell seriously didn't like her, for some reason. Perhaps it was the boasting of Australian Idol being better than his show. She went to the audition for Who Wants To Be a Superhero, as Galaxy, with 'all the power of the Stars, and total Star Power!' but was apparently passed over so they could put someone like Fat Momma on TV instead. It wasn't fair. So she audition for Flavor of Love, and was told flat out that she wasn't pretty enough. Well, she sure was a hell of a lot prettier than New York or any of the other bimbos on the show. Then she auditioned for Beauty and the Geek, and she never got called back. She assumed it was because she was a little geeky herself, and certainly not because she wasn't pretty enough. She was gorgeous.

Through the whole time, she stayed working at the Chinese Restaurant, pretending she knew what some of the kitchen staff were saying. She started dating Victor Alessandro briefly. It was weird, as it was actually her very first boyfriend. She never really dated much, and had probably only been on 3-4 dates in her whole life, mostly because she never gave men the time of day. But this one was different. Victor, was a total dick to her, and she fell hard in a very short amount of time. He wined her and dined her, and tried every trick he knew to get her to sleep with him, and the night that Lin had made up her mind that she was ready to, they were bombarded by lights and cameras after coming out of a restaurant. They were on Cheaters, and Victor's fiancee was crying over to the side. Oh, not good. Not good at all. Though, it was more TV time for her. It's definitely hard to have one of the most humiliating experiences of your life being caught on tape. She almost swore off of TV at that point, but decided that swearing off of dating would be easier.

Then, at the insistence of her new roommate, Lin tried out for Rock of Love, the second season. She made it through the first elimination, but after the first group date, Bret Michaels eliminated her the second episode. However, it didn't keep her down, because who really wants to date some seven million year old rock star anyway? So, after that, she wound up talking to some people at a bar, and they claimed that they made movies. She agreed to be in their movie, and went down to make the next fake snuff film with Toe Tag Pictures. It's gross, and she is covered in blood all the time, but at least most people don't get to see her naked because of the blood. Maybe after this, she can try to get into a real movie. She'd just have to talk to the right people.

Personality: Lin has an easy, natural charm that helps her to win people over to friendship. She has a soft, mysterious smile that entices people to try to know what it is that she's thinking or feeling at the moment, though if they do inquire, she will most likely tell. She has no problem with initiating conversation or offering her help or services to anyone who looks like they might need it. She does tend to make friends very easily because of it.

Lin, although far from being a push-over, has difficulties with one-on-one face-to-face confrontation. She will usually be able to get in a few good arguments, even a few witty barbs if the person confronting her is nasty enough, but eventually, Lin will fold and succumb to defeat in the problem, especially if the person she is arguing with preys on her fears and weaknesses. This is not because she is weak-willed, but because she would rather not waste more time and energy than necessary on someone who obviously has issues that need resolving.

Lin sometimes gives off an impression that she is a little freer with her affection than she actually intends to be. To put it bluntly, she is something of a tease. Partly because of her charm and partly because she really has no idea she's acting the way she is, the girl will flirt mercilessly with guys, particularly guys she secretly finds very cute, but then if they ask her out or show any interest in another way, she will suddenly have no idea how his crush came about. She won't have realized that she was leading him on.

She can be a little arrogant at times, and she definitely has a hot temper when its aroused (The easiest way is to mistake her for being Japanese. That's a no-no.), though it does take quite a bit before a person can really bring that out of her. She's always preferred to just let things happen as they will, figuring it will all work itself out in the end. She does also have the tendency to jump into things without thinking them all the way through, though this has toned down a bit since she was on Cheaters. When she does jump into things, she runs with them wholeheartedly until she either succeeds or fails.

Lin does have a bad side, that she tends to hide away except around certain people. The side that is somewhat mentally unbalanced ever since she found out she was a Tale. She falls for men that are obviously bad for her. As in very obviously bad for her. The worse they treat her, the more frat boy they are, the more she crushes on them. If she talks to men that are nice and sweet, she knows deep down that they're going to run out on her and leave her forever, so it's better to not bother with them. She also has a tendency to use those nice and sweet guys to try and make other men jealous, or will gladly string them along to crush their precious little feelings if some hot guy decides that's the funny thing to do. Then again, this could be Lin's lack of maturity at this point that is also causing these drives.

Played-By: Jaymee Ong - http://news.china.com/zh_cn/social/1007/20040206/images/11617484_170741.jpg

the obligatory bit
As the first reincarnation of Katrina, the overwhelming need for attention has taken over Lin's personality. She adores men to fawn over her, and thinks of them each as acting gigs. She has no intention of settling down except with the best, but will gladly string men along if it gets her the attention she so desperately wants.

the optional bit
I really do want her to get together with her other Talemates eventually. Otherwise, I haven't really figured anything major out. Just that she'll be trying to break into bigtime showbiz, and probably pestering Perry a lot. O_o
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