tomarow im going back to the vw dealership for the 3rd and final time to get the car of my dreams my LITTLE BLACK JETTA it took me two years and one horrible acident but i finaly got it im excited anyway brad came over last night that was pretty awesome i dont know what im going to do when whitany goes on vacation for 2 weeks ashley = dead
so im getting ready to go to this function for this guy my mom is friends with who is running for senetor of maryland
i have to photograph him its gunna be uber boring but atleast im gettting paid! and i get to wear the dress i got from white house black market that i have been dying to wear forever but never had anywhere to wear it. later
"just because you are sitting at the frederick coffee co. with that cup of coffee at in this town means you will never trade in frederick for new york. you cant leave nothing will ever be quite like our little town of frederick
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