* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: No.
* Ever smoked a cigarette and or pot: Yes.
* Missed school because it was raining: Nope.
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: No.
*Been hurt emotionally: Yes.
* Kept a secret from everyone: Yeah.
* Wanted to hook up with a friend: Sure.
* Had a crush on a teacher: Not really.
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Some Anime guys are smokin'.
* Been on stage: Yes.
*Cut your own hair: Yes, all the time.
* Pet peeve: Elbows.
* Shampoo: Whatever won't make my hair even more fried.
* Colors: Green, Grey, Brown.
* Morning or Night: Morning.
* Summer or Winter: Winter
* Lace or satin: Satin.
* Fave cartoon: Recess.
* Fave Food: Lemons.
* Fave Ad: Not sure.
* Fave Movie: Sideways.
* Fave Ice Cream: Na-nilla.
* Fave Subject(in school): Art or P.E.
* Fave 'normal' drink (not beer): Milk.
* Fave people to talk to online: Mark Lawrence, Yael, Kris
------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Eating: Nothing.
* Drinking: Nothing.
* Thinking about: What I'm going to wear.
* Listening to: Daphne Loves Derby
----------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----
*Cried: Nope.
* Worn a skirt: Yes.
* Met someone new: Yep.
* Cleaned your room: It's clean.
* Done laundry: Yes.
* Drove a car: Yep.
*Been online: RAH!
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: Yes.
*Your friends: Yep.
*Santa Claus: I saw him.
*Tooth Fairy: Nah.
*Destiny/Faith: Yes.
*God: Yes.
* Angels: Yeah.
* Ghosts: The Holy Ghost.
----------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No. (Sorta.)
* Longest Relationship? Shortest? Longest- 8 months, Shortest- like an hour.
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: Kyle or Ryan.
* Who's the weirdest: A.J.
* Who do you go to for advice: Ashley, A.J., Schiff, or Petrah.
* Who do you cry to?: Brian or Petrah.
* What is the best feeling in the world: Being loved.
*Worst Feeling: Alone.
*What is most important to you (besides family): Jesus Christ.
*Do you have one really good friend that you always can go to: Lots.
*If so who: Ashley, Schiff, Brian, A.J., Pete, Dan, Kyle
* Would you like your friends to do this ? Why not.
* Future Career?: Music editorial writer for a big magazine.
* Best Thing Today?: My shower.