yeah that's janelle, a former mast-ee but i dont know who ivan is.. :( these pictures were taken at the senior brunch today at some shabby place called the rusty pelican. you've probably heard of it.
i'm really happy that we're graduating in less than five months. any ideas on where you're going?
i love you and some of those are from todayyyyyy. cool cool cool i like seeing school in the background. you are effing awesome to the bazillionth power. loser. muah. u have to see me one day... i havent seen u in a while... weird.
Comments 13
i'm really happy that we're graduating in less than five months. any ideas on where you're going?
cool cool cool i like seeing school in the background.
you are effing awesome to the bazillionth power.
muah. u have to see me one day... i havent seen u in a while... weird.
I is for igloo
S is for smarty pants
E is for emazing
you are rocking the 2006 on your cheek. i can;t wait for you to gra-du-ate.
get peeps to take more pics of you, liebe <3
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