so my party was lots of fun if you read this i wanna know your favorite part of it :) Its fun to read those things and school is almost over :) i am really good mood right now
Gosh! I had a bunch of fun. Hmm my favorite part would have to be meeting all the new cool people and just talking and watching you try to hit the pinata. Okay so that was three, whatever.
Man. It was pretty much super fun!! The pinata was awesome! And the cake was delicious!! And the picture frame gift was adorable! And it was such a good mix of people and everyone just hit it off very well! It was a very good 18th birthday partyy!
the pinata was fun even though allison almost killed me. i liked how we just all got along and were able to have fun and stuff. it was a very good party!!
I liked how no one stormed out in a rage at midnight and there was absolutely no shaving cream involved at all. I liked how much this birthday party shows that we've truly matured since middle school, and of course that you have really nice, generous, Meijer-shopping(!) friends and I'm glad to be one of them. This was quite possibly the best birthday party in terms of everyone miraculously getting along-- pluse, I set up a possible blind date for BethAnn! I just gave way more than one reason. I can't leave one-sentence comments anymore.. I don't know why. :/
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