Name: Mandrake Randelle, according to the dotted line.
Nicknames: None if I can avoid them.
Birthday: November 6th
Birth place: Albany, New York (in the Buckingham area)
Eye color: Light blue
Hair color: Naturally dark auburn brown-- I dyed it purple when I was fifteen (after I cut most of it off in retaliation for promising not to cut.. other parts of my body), then grew it out more and dyed it red when I ran away to Gotham. Got thrown in jail, chopped it off again, and now it's back to brown.
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 136 lbs.
Tattoos: None.
Girlfriend / Boyfriend: I'm, er-- well.
Overused phrase: "Go away."
Food: Stuffed dover sole with brown rice. Okay, um-- no, that's a lie, that's what I should be telling people. I actually really like macaroni wth breadcrumbs and melted cheddar cheese-- comfort food and all.
Candy: Reese Cups
Number: three 5
Color: Navy blue
Animal: Rabbits. I've only ever used doves in my shows, but rabbits are nice.
Drink: Jones pomegrenate soda.
Alcoholic drink: I grew up on dry martinis, but absinthe-- absentas usually. Sweet fucking citrus. Rémy Martin cognac sometimes. Champagne, of course.
Letters: O.
Body part of opposite sex: ..feet. And collarbones. And fingers.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke, if it's forced down my throat.
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds. Burger King has a tendancy to taste like dog hair, from what I remember.
Strawberry or watermelon: Watermelon. Up here in New York, you can get strawberries year-round, but they only taste like something other than mush when you grow them yourself. Watermelon always tastes good, all the time, guaranteed.
Hot tea or iced tea: Hot tea. Chai without sugar.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Hot chocolate or coffee: Both at the same time.
Kiss or hug: Both. Sometimes one's not enough without the other.
Dog or cat: Cats-- so much easier to take care of.
Rap or punk: Neither. At all.
Summer or winter: Both are pretty horrific here, so I'll say autumn.
Sad movies or funny movies: Funny movies. I don't, um, I don't really do well with sad movies.
Love or money: Love. I'm fortunate enough to have a lot of both, though.
Bedtime: On weeknights, 11. When I'm working, 6 AM.
Most missed memory: Yesterday. I feel like such a bastard for saying it, but everything's great right now.
Best physical feature: I honestly don't know. Physical features were things I had issues with three years ago, so I don't think about it very much-- it's not that I thought I was unattractive, I just.. tried to ruin a lot of things, I think. Cassandra tells me she likes my jaw.
First thought waking up: 'Gee, I wonder who's laying on my arm today.'
Goal for this year: Getting a steady club job.
Best friends: I ran out of friends when I lost the ability to avoid turning them into my lovers. Luckily I didn't have a whole lot of friends to begin with, and they-- he humored me.
Weakness: Being taken care of. I'll pretty much do anything for you if you sit me down in your living room and feed me and take away my responsibilities. I'm an utter incompetent suck, I know.
Fears: Not showing my appreciation of the people I care about enough. Also falling off the edge of a stage, which I've (idiotically) done before.
Heritage: Old money family. I've got a bit of Australian in me, a bit of Scottish, and a bit of Polish, but none of it matters in comparison to the New Yorker bits.
Longest relationship: Romantically? I think that depends on whether I pick the day the relationship most likely started, or the day I realized it had. There have only been two, and miraculously they're both still ongoing. Platonically, I've known my sister my whole life, and she's-- equally miraculously-- stuck by my side through all the coddishness and self-destructive behavior and threats to throw her (or myself) out a window.
Number of regrets in the past: Three, and everything about myself before the age of twenty.
What country / world do you want to visit: Going to Italy would be nice, I think.
How do you want to die: Happy. I'll define that when I get there.
Been to the mall lately: A few days ago, actually-- birthday gift for my nephew's boyfriend. I've been told he's a thief and a computer hacker. In a nutshell, I approve.
Do you like thunderstorms: Only when I'm inside. I've been caught out in them-- not fun.
Get along with your parents: No. They still let me take their money, though. I think it's because they're too old and decrepit to know what to do with it at this point.
Want to go to college: Would've, didn't.
Do you smoke: No.
Do you drink: Hell yes.
Shower daily: Most days, either in the morning after I get home or when I wake up.
Been in love: Yes. Still am. Very.
Want to get married: Didn't think I did, but you know. It happened anyway. I'm still glad she talked me into it.
Do you want children: Her name is Grace, and she is two years old. She is, quite honestly, the most beautiful human being I have ever met.
Hate anyone: The world, most days, but it's getting better.