Two Names You Go By:
1. Allison
2. Ally - I hate it but they won't stop
Two Parts of Your Heritage:
1. English
2. Irish
Two Things That Scare You:
1. Never finding a boy that will make me happy & vice versa.
2. My future
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Jeans that don't fit
2. Jacket
Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment):
1. Umbrellas
2. Mae
Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. Happiness
2. Comfort
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You About the Opposite or Same Sex:
1. Eyes
2. Hair
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. Music - singing/dancing/loving
2. Getting fucked up
Two Things You Want Really Badly:
1. A cute boy
2. More money
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation:
1. Canada
2. New Zealand
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die:
1. Love deeply
2. Live freely
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. My eating habits
2. How things are gonna go tonight
Two Stores You like:
1. American Eagle
2. Charlotte Rouse
Two favorite web sites:
1. Myspace
2. Photobucket
Two cars you owned:
1. VW Jetta (don't own it yet)
2. ---
Two pets you had/have:
1. Kitty
2. Pancake
Two Favorite Sports:
1. Softball
2. Bowling
Two people who will fill this out:
1. So and so
2. What's his face
Two things you did last night:
1. Hung out with some friends
2. Filled my head with thoughts
Two shows you like to watch currently:
1. The OC
2. I don't watch tv much
Two places you like to go:
1. Away
2. With you
Two Favorite People:
1. Bailey
2. Lauren
Two Favorite Subjects In School:
1. Math
2. Chemistry
Two favorite alcoholic drinks:
1. Vodka
2. Rum
Two favorite places to eat:
1. Del Taco
2. Red Robin
Two people that live in your house:
1. Sister
2. Mother
Two things you like about yourself (physical):
1. Hair
2. Stomach
Two things you ate today:
1. Dr. Pepper
2. Cupcakes
Two people you last talked to:
1. Kelsey
2. Father
Two things you are doing tomorrow:
1. Working
2. Being lazy