26 June 2011: TRADED [4] pinkpearl04 to dearmykeysx northitaly08.
TRADED [5] gretel06 to lurora for blame05.
19 June 2011: SKETCHBOOK #3 COMPLETION: friendship16, precise05 and one yellow crayon.
18 June 2011: TRADED [20] innkeeper16 to stopping for tonkotsu20.
TRADED [1] romaantiqua05 to futachimaru for japan06.
TRADED [2] sensible06 to multitasks for leeks16.
TRADED [3] heian19 to disutansu for heroine04.
RECEIVED lacytanga01 from disutansu. thank you~! ♥
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: matriarch11, torture18 and anniversary16.
RYOGA'S DIRECTIONS 24: watermelon10 and fate05.
16 June 2011: POKERADAR 45: innkeeper03 and astraphobia11.
SEIYUU GUESS 44: hanafuda19, matriarch13 and child11.
BETWEEN THE LINES 27: wisewolf08, feathers05 and volleyball02.
15 June 2011: BACK ON TRACK???
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: shadow10, hitsuzen19, kurogamon16 and anniversary15.
MUSIC STATION 49: appearance09, novice20 and blackrose16.
LEVEL UP: zombie13, weak14, leeks08 and one yellow crayon.
TRADED [19] cure05 to nonchatte for solar18.
SERIOUS BACKLOGGING: Listed by date I received the e-mail notification.
HOST CLUB 25: (June 15) cure05 and manikatti11.
TRADED [16] (June 13) sake19 to pararduaadast for a green crayon.
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: (Day 13, June 13) sensible06, memorized07 and anniversary13.
GUESS THE COLOR 48: (June 11) pinkpearl04 and fortune15.
ART LESSONS 53: (June 11) anive03 and shadow08.
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: (Day 11, June 11) necessarius12, icequeen05 and anniversary11.
TRADED [17] (June 11) prodigal 13 to staticphrase for leeks11.
CHANNEL MASTERY: (June 11) sin06, comrades01, eroge01 and one yellow crayon.
TRADED [18] (June 11) cure04 to tategamiwolf for tiger18.
11 June 2011: TRADED [10] orange crayon to mongoosehwrs for red crayon.
TRADED [11] maschera02, [12] maschera06 and [13] maschera20 to platinum for china04, key13 and key17.
TRADED [14] hanafuda11 to 00zags for tiger16.
TRADED [15] an orange crayon to chuukoku for a red crayon.
ART SHOP: two red crayons for channel03 and channel16.
SERIOUS BACKLOGGING: Everything under here happened on random days and I didn't have the time to log them on the day it happened. This is everything I've missed:
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: (June 10) channel18 and anniversary09.
GRAPHIC DONATIONS: (June 9) mulberry08, christmas04, chupa10, heian19, hungry04, twinstar01, sprit07, hanafuda11, violence15 and collected20.
GRAPHIC DONATIONS: (June 9) highjump18, innkeeper16, unwritten01, part-time07, disarm12, slave07 and nosebleed15.
RECYCLED ART: (June 9) channel11, fierce02, fierce03, fierce09 and fierce10.
9 June 2011: SHADOW WATCHING 41: withdrawn02, flame17 and emotions06.
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: anima18, maou14 and anniversary08.
TRADED [9] awaken05 to disutansu for america16.
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: played comnet18 in anniversary day 08.
8 June 2011: TRADED [6] points17 with taminas for leeks05.
TRADED [7] ikazuchi20 to terette for average07.
TRADED [8] apple01 to bosom for maschera02.
7 June 2011: TRADED [1] gretel06 to nonchatte for maschera20.
TRADED [2] question15 and [3] positive07 to lurora for leeks04 and northitaly15.
TRADED [4] estonia19 to bosom for model01.
TRADED [5] fullmoon01 to vriska for channel12.
CONAN'S CLUES 47: nerd11 and falchion06.
SPARE PARTS 40: bolt04, miko10 and 6613.
SEIYUU GUESS 43: vodka06, estonia19 and deliver05.
MUSIC STATION 48: cure04, awaken05 and male02.
POKE RADAR 44: catholic20 and apple01.
6 June 2011: JUNE RELEASE: child01, cutegirls01, points17, d-hero18, shakugan16, prodigal13, sake19, snowfairy06 and catsndogs18.
JUNE REFERRAL PRIZE: capture09, ikazuchi20, schwarzer08, sadist12, tattoo11, devour03, sailorfuku02 and kora05.
TRADED [9] blackfox06 to wolfie for key04.
RECEIVED: leeks07 from terette.
TRADED [10] cutegirls01 to celestite for leeks18.
TRADED [11] snowfairy06 to 00zags for leeks06.
TRADED [12] child01 to unpure for leeks03.
TRADED [13] shakugan16 to platinum for leeks13.
TRADED [14] grey crayon to gantai for leeks02.
TRADED [15] catsndogs18 to lazuliprince for leeks01.
TRADED [16] d-hero18 and [17] schwarzer08 to tategamiwolf for leeks09 and cleaning02.
TRADED [18] beast08, [19] beast17 and [20] 1stchild09 to kikai7 for america08, america14 and fierce20.
5 June 2011: TRADED [6] rainfell08 to miss_novacaine for cleaning18.
TRADED [7] viera09 to bosom for belarus19.
TRADED [8] a purple crayon for platinum's orange crayon.
NEKU'S MUSIC STATION 47: fireball07, traveler20 and armor15.
SEIYUU GUESS 42: rubber06, cowbell12 and fierce06.
HOST CLUB 24: forbidden16 and choker14.
4 June 2011: RYOGA'S DIRECTIONS 23: gretel06, mushi13 and theend07.
COSTUME PARTY 44: durandal16, orpheus13, positive07, reserved01 and traveler04.
NAGANOHARA MIO DECK DONATION: romaantiqua05, zombie05, blunt16 and purple crayon.
TRADED [19] blunt16 to terette for germany03.
RECEIVED: terette for the anniversary event: tomorrow20.
TRADED [20] fullmoon01, [1] fullmoon06 and [2] record11 to newspaper for belarus18, cleaning09 and maschera06.
RECEIVED: the anniversary event: anniversary04, monkey19 and samekh18.
TRADED [3] reaper03 to gantai for tiger19.
SKETCHBOOK #2 COMPLETION: sablier12, kita16 and an orange crayon.
RECEIVED: eroge04 and fierce08 from kirkland.
TRADED [4] sultry06 and [5] tuxedo07 to phibby for lie18 and cleaning06.
3 June 2011: TRADED [15] answer17 to sparkism for fierce06.
RECEIVED: solar20 from pararduaadast.
RECEIVED: comnet11, comnet18, firetruck06 and flash13 from pararduaadast because they're just that awesome of a person.
TRADED [16] data03 to wolfie for the anniversary event.
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: anniversary03 and channel01.
RECEIVED: supportive16 from doublenyanbow.
TRADED [17] sagittarius14 to nonchatte for northitaly13.
TRADED [18] brush17 to bosom for cleaning12.
2 June 2011: RECYCLED ART: channel13/15/19/20 and fierce01.
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: anniversary02, curse17, erhu03, mediator12 and tuxedo07.
TRADED [8] curse17 to kelliedee for blind01.
TRADED [9] shenlong16 to konimi for blame20.
CRAZY COLORS 34: blessed14 and blindfold17.
GIFT: leopard12 and noble07 to yamanaika.
RECEIVED: firetruck01 from platinum.
TRADED [10] oranges15 to arushiraoi for blame15.
LEVEL UP: blackfox06, ribbon09, channel10 and a grey crayon.
Gave platinum his firetruck01 back. T___T IT'S NOT LIKE I WANTED IT ANYWAY.
TRADED [11] dynames02 in switch it up 26 for dango09.
TRADED [12] awaken15, [13] cetra10 and [14] zwei01 to disutansu for tiger03, fierce11 and wine19.
1 June 2011: CRAZY COLORS 34: played channel07.
CRAZY COLORS 34: empress13 and sorry07.
TRADED [1] signature cards with bosom.
TRADED [2] jupiter05 to nonchatte for blame12.
RECEIVED: anniversary event: rich19 and anniversary01.
TRADED [3] rich19 to wolfie_ for blame16.
BEAUTY PAGEANT 26: question15, answer17, cetra10 and bigkitty05.
BETWEEN THE LINES 26: gadgets02, awaken15 and zwei01.
SHADOW WATCHING 40: shenlong16 and reaper03.
CRAZY COLORS 34: played writer11.
TRADED [4] bigkitty05 and [5] gadgets02 to bosom for negi20 and scythe11.
ART SHOP: TRADED in 2 crayons for [6] bass01 and [7] fierce14.
31 May 2011: TRADED [19] obnoxious11 to bosom for fullmoon06.
TRADED [20] hime18 in switch it up 26 for key14.
SKETCHBOOK #1 COMPLETION: leopard12, oranges15 and brown crayon.
RECEIVED: turning in crayons: eroge19.
COLOR'S COLORING BOOK: played acewitches01.
COLOR'S COLORING BOOK: free07, jupiter05 and writer11.
30 May 2011: RECEIVED: celestite: tenshi12, channel14, cleaning13 and cleaning19.
TRADED [17] windom15 to vriska for bass07.
TRADED [18] signature cards with platinum.
RECEIVED: channel04, channel05, channel06, channel07, channel17, orange crayon and blue crayon from delite's going away present stuff.
29 May 2011: TRADED [12] innocent01, [13] jellyfish12, [14] shark02 and [15] traveler18 to animepam for dote12, dote 17, fierce15 and otaku13.
GIFT: dote12 and dote17 to platinum
TRADED [16] hacker11 to bringthefate for belarus02.
28 May 2011: CRAZY COLORS 33: blueflare19 and jellyfish12.
CRAZY COLORS 33: played energetic08.
GIFT: blueflare19 to terette.
GUESS THE COLOR 46: noble07 and dynames02.
CRAZY COLORS 33: traveler18 and shark02.
27 May 2011: TRADED [9] tomboy08 to animepam for sultry06.
TRADED [10] iceland01 and [11] rival14 to lurora for channel02 and channel07.
CRAZY COLORS 33: played whiteclown02.
RECEIVED: siscon18 from terette.
26 May 2011: TRADED [8] england16 to lurora for fullmoon02.
25 May 2011: TRADED [6] marriage20 to nonchatte for blind14.
RECEIVED: tonkotsu08, siscon05 and dreamworld05 from platinum.
GIFT: hello01 to platinum.
RECEIVED: model09 and moon10 from delite.
GIFT: moon10 to platinum.
TRADED [7] petulant01 to ratiosu for blame02.
24 May 2011: TRADED [2] signature cards with celestite.
TRADED [3] raison01 and [4] summoner03 to senren for bass19 and eroge17.
TRADED [5] tokunaga01 to sparkism for beast08.
SPARE PARTS 38: hime18 and hacker11.
CONAN'S CLUES 45: rainfell09 and viera09.
RECEIVED: 1stchild09, america09, data03, obnoxious11, pulse05, record11, sagittarius14, solar06, turtle11, wine05 and wine13 from wandercrest.
RECEIVED: celestite: eins08, tomboy08, brush17 and wisdom15.
RECEIVED: platinum: supportive18.
23 May 2011: Joined Colors for the first time.
STARTER PACK: energetic08, marriage20, twenty one07, rival14, misfortune17, tokunaga01, eroge17 and eroge20.
RECEIVED: beast17, blame13, england16, model08, otaku01 and tenshi05 from celestite.
MAY RELEASE: innocent01, petulant01, full moon01, iceland01, siscon01, raison01, hello01, dream world01 and ace witches01.
TRADED [1] twentyone07 to cthulustendril for bass14.
RECEIVED: the Recycled Art: bass20, blind19, channel09, tiger06 and tiger11.
RECEIVED: booster pack: summoner03 and whiteclown02.
RECEIVED: bass12, channel08 and model19 from wandercrest.