Jun 12, 2011 18:42

1 August 2011: BASS FIRST MASTERY: orange camera.
TRADED [126] bandit01 to kisames for kansai09.
TRADED [127] sosbrigade05 to individual for kansai12.
JULY RELEASE: kansai02, food10 and traded starcrossed04 in for deepseagirl01 (due to rainyskies13 quitting).
TRADED [128] blackbutler11 to danybel for heroine02.
TRADED [129] thunder05 to silvertigerx for heroine13.
FILM SHOP: orange camera for card pack 03: kansai16/20 and dominion02.
TRADE POT: eating10 for palmtop04.
DISCARDED PHOTOS: guitar02/04/13/18 and palmtop03.
KANSAI MASTERY: dominion06/09, veda18, bookend08 and a yellow camera.
29 JULY UPDATE: dominion10, prey20 and a yellow camera.

29 July 2011: BASS MASTERY: kansai13, kansai15, zabanya13, sosbrigade09 and an orange camera.
PICK A GENRE 05: palmtop12 and prithvi03.
FREEBIES 04: orpheus11 and sosbrigade14.
MELODIC TUNES 08: rounds05, heart01 and stoic08.
SUMMER DONATION: pilot03, existence03 and airhead06.
LOCATIONS 03: quest19, guild03 and faust01.
LEFT VS RIGHT 06: stripes13, pisces08 and maschera02.
PICK A GENRE 03: veda13.
JULY 28 UPDATE: bass15, chronicle07 and a pink camera.

Backloggish Stuff: TRADED [110] tiger06 to barnaby for kansai11.
TRADED [111] poland01 to bosom for kansai01.
TRADED [112] kitten04 to bahamas for kansai05.
TRADED [113] montecristo11 to howlite for kansai14.
TRADED [114] goggles06 to sno for kansai06.
TRADED [115] fruity04 to sommelier for kansai07.
TRADED [116] hibiscus02 to alvanista for kansai12.
TRADED [117] first05 to dearmykeysx for kansai03.
TRADED [M] member cards with individual.
TRADED [118] inaba11, [119] shunko13 and [120] storm16 to roax for heroine06, heroine12 and heroine16.
TRADED [119] loveme01 to bosom for rosekiss14.
TRADED [120] sleipnir18 to silvertigerx for heroine08.
TRADED [121] prussia04 to antagonists for kansai04.
RECEIVED kansai18 and kansai19 as gifts from barnaby. ♥
TRADED [122] studentcouncil10 to hitagi for kansai10.
TRADED [123] sacrifice05, [124] sacrifice08 and [M] member cards with tadashi for heroine10 and dominion03.
TRADED [125] clow19 to sno for dominion05.
TRADED [M] member cards with shinshi.

9 July 2011: FREEBIES 03: assassin05 and butler17.

8 July 2011: MELODIC TUNES 05: blackbutler01, maschera16 and earl15.

7 July 2011: LUCKY PAIR 05: platinum02 and cloud08.
PICK A GENRE 02: eating10.

6 July 2011: WORD SCRAMBLE 04: humans10, hatter11, butler20 and eroge12.
DISCUSSION TIME 01: sleipnir19 and heir04.

4 July 2011: LEFT VS RIGHT 04: angi08, test20 and gemini05.
BLURRY PICTURES 04: blackrose01 and blackrose12.

3 July 2011: TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 04: enigmatic10, bride12, thunder18, guitar01, raiser01 and wrench02.
TRANSLATION MISCALCULATION 04: prey19 and drums09.

2 July 2011: TRANSLATION MISCALCULATION 03: storm16 and aimo20.
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 03: brabbit07, clean05, blackbutler11, kshatriya09, quest20 and futon08.
TRADED [105] snake05 to bosom for hibiscus02.
LEVEL THREE: stripes01, stripes19, right09, tongue08 and eternity02.
FULL MENU 02: dollars08, eroge01, cloud18 and sommelier11.
TRADED [106] clow12 to individual for bass19.

1 July 2011: LEVEL BANNER DONATION: snake05, tres20, guitar09 and switzerland12.
LEVEL BANNER DONATION: short03, shunko13, pisces10 and straydog10.
LEVEL BANNER DONATION: capricorn18, jintan12, whiterose17 and naive11.
RECEIVED: geass09, himiko08, left11, oni14, oni20, orpheus19, platinum17, right09, sacrifice08, susanoo08, inaba11, heavy05 and studentcouncil10 from celestite due to leaving.
VOLUNTEERING WORK: sacrifice05, bombs02 and gore06.
MELODIC TUNES 04: gore04, existence07 and thunder05.

30 June 2011: TRADED [107] orpheus01 and [108] orpheus09 for balut16 and maschera14.
BACKLACE FIRST MASTERY: one green camera.
PICK A GENRE 01: blaster08 and one red camera.
TRADED [109] susanoo18 to orechibisama for bass14.

28 June 2011: SURVEY 01: orpheus01, bass18, normal05, one iou and one orange camera.
TRADED [95] oni02, [96] resurgam12 and [97] enigmatic08 to yamachan01 for bass06/10/20.
TRADED [98] balut19 to hitagi for stripes06.
STRIPES MASTERY: backlace04/14, geass20, izanagi18 and one green camera.
TRADED [99] heir06, [100] heir07 and [101] jealousy04 to barnaby for bass03/04/08.
TRADED [102] vischio04 to howlite for bass16.
TRADED [103] izanagi18 and [104] voice15 to newspaper for heroine11/19.
PHOTO EXCHANGE: blackbutler05 and trailblazer14 for backlace07, bass01 and rosekiss06.
FILM SHOP: (one red camera, one green camera) bass07/09/12, mugen15, acrobat05, wrench06, king09, tres17, clean10, xrosheart19, backlace08/15/18.
WORD SCRAMBLE 04: wish18, susanoo18, mascot16 and lancelot19.
DONATION DECK 03: thunder12, pisces11 and platinum08.
BACKLACE MASTERY:bass02/05, keyboard13, himiko03 and one orange camera.
STRIPES FIRST MASTERY: one yellow camera.

27 June 2011: MELODIC TUNES 03: violence06, caution03 and contract04.
LEFT VS RIGHT 03: voice15.
BLURRY PICTURES 03: vischio04 and balut19.
RECEIVED: Feathers01/02/03/07/08/13, Gemini18, Heavy07/13, Jealousy01, Orpheus09, Taurus06, Loveme01, Clow12, Vischio05, Test12/20, Cry02 and Wish11 from Perarduaadast.
RECEIVED: heir07, cheerio01, varna13, bombs06, cloud09, blackbutler05, hungary19, eternity03, eternity07 and eternity15 from perarduaadast. WAE IS HE LEAVINGGGGGG

24 June 2011: TRADED [87] bloodedge12, [88] klutz04, [89] resurgam02 and [90] aquarius15 to enfacade for backlace06/10/13 and rosekiss10.
TRADED [91] drums17 to bosom for backlace01.
TRADED [92] heavy07 to perarduaadast for stripes13.
TRADED [93] dollars06 to oriharas for backlace05.
TRADED [94] susanoo18 to gumi for heroine15.
DISCARDED PHOTOS: bass11, dollars14 and heroine18.

21 June 2011: WORD SCRAMBLE 03: heavy17, cloud06 and dollars06.

20 June 2011: TRADED [84] oni10 to orechibisama for stripes14.
REVOKED salamander15 from june releases due to 00zags not following through. Changed card for humans15.
TRADED [85] humans15 to antagonists for keyboard19.
FILM SHOP: (1 yellow camera & 1 film) keyboard14/15/16.
REFERRAL POINTS: keyboard20.
KEYBOARD MASTERY: stripes11, stripes12, rifle01, enigmatic08 and one orange camera.
LEFT VS RIGHT 02: himiko06.
BLURRY PICTURES 02: heroine05 and aquarium09.

19 June 2011: GIFTED palmtop07 to bosom.
FULL MENU 01: redrose16, aquarius15, heir06, oni10, backlace17 and jealousy04.
RECEIVED backlace02 from bosom. ♥
PHOTO EXCHANGE: akumetsu08, cry01 and hunter13 for izanagi16.
GIFTED izanagi16 to chuukoku.
GAVE prejoin07, prejoin10 and prejoin13 back to chuukoku. thanks again!! ♥
TRANSLATION MISCALCULATION 02: bodyguard05 and truth12.
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 02: oni02, shirayuki09, susanoo18, maid08, feathers11 and varna15.
UPDATE: stripes03.

18 June 2011: TRADED [79] balut01, [80] balut03 and [81] balut04 to hitagi for backlace16, stripes04 and dominion08.
GIFTED balut14 and balut20 to platinum. welcome to photographs!
MELODIC TUNES 02: king04, blueexorcist16 and futon08.
TRADED [82] redrose05 to roax for stripes02.
TRADED [83] blueexorcist16 to oriharas for backlace20.
SCAVENGER HUNT TASK 06: butler09, 3582days03 and platinum03.
SCAVENGER HUNT COMPLETION: keyboard07, keyboard11, enigmatic13, cheerio05, palmtop07, wish19, explode02 and pureblood04.

17 June 2011: TRADED [76] pineapple12 to antagonists for keyboard12.
TRADED [77] bombs14 to perarduaadast for backlace09.
FUTON FIRST MASTERY: one red camera.
FREEBIES 02: sleipnir18 and drums17.
TRADEPOT TRADE [78] varna05 for keyboard18.

16 June 2011: FUTON MASTERY: keyboard02, keyboard04, trainer09, menma10 and one red camera.
TRADED [61] balut05 and [62] balut06 to barnaby for rosekiss04.
GIFTED guardian18 to celestite. welcome to photographs!
GIFTED balut11 and balut12 to barnaby. good luck!
TRADED [M] member cards with barnaby.
RECEIVED prejoin07, prejoin10 and prejoin13 from chuukoku.
TRADED [63] izanagi16 to chuukoku for stripes15.
TRADED [64] gentle07 and [65] menma10 to dearmykeysx for stripes16 and stripes17.
TRADED [66] zero17 and [M] member cards to konimi for stripes08.
TRADED [67] blaster15 to hushlust for backlace11.
TRADED [68] justbefriends17 to roax for backlace19.
TRADED [M] member cards with perarduaadast.
TRADED [69] ginryuu18 to howlite for stripes09.
TRADED [70] storm17 to silvertigerx for stripes05.
TRADED [71] skylark11 to orechibisama for stripes07.
TRADED [72] innovator20 to tategamiwolf for stripes10.
TRADED [73] liberation15 and [74] liberation19 to yamachan01 for backlace03 and keyboard06.
TRADED [75] akiba10 to chuukoku for stripes20.

15 June 2011: TRADED [49] guitar07, [50] devious14, [51] pineapple10, [52] belly05 and [53] mushi07 to bosom for bartender19, keyboard08, redrose05, varna05 and shirayuki05.
TRADED [54] izanagi16 to orechibisama for futon04.
TRADED [55] balut02 to barnaby for futon06.
TRADED [56] voice04 and [57] honey10 to newspaper for futon11 and futon12.
TRADED [58] vino16 and [M] member cards to antagonists for keyboard10.
TRADED [59] guardian19 and [M] member cards to celestite for futon08.
TRADED [60] menma20 to bosom for futon15.
UPDATE: took futon13.
SCAVENGER HUNT TASKS 02 & 07: drums14, guardian18, ginryuu18, akiba10, liberation15 and pineapple12.
PHOTO EXCHANGE: traded ghostfiles09 and ikebukuro03 for futon01, futon02 and rosekiss01.
EROGE FIRST MASTERY: one green camera.

14 June 2011: TRADED [46] short14 to roax for keyboard13.
TRADED [47] gore12 and [48] maschera04 to sno for dominion04 and rosekiss13.
WORD SCRAMBLE 01: izanagi16, order06, bombs14, aquarium16, storm17 and one green camera.
LEVEL TWO: eroge04, eroge07, backlace12, cry01, liar17 and one orange camera.
FILM SHOP: (1 orange camera) eroge10, eroge13, and eroge18.
EROGE MASTERY: futon19, futon20, devious14, akumetsu08 and one yellow camera.
DISCARD PILE: rosekiss05 and rosekiss11.

13 June 2011: TRADED [39] alien04 to dearmykeysx for eroge16.
TRADED [40] art12 to silvertigerx for keyboard05.
SCAVENGER HUNT TASKS 3 & 5: puellamagi01, gentle07, acrobat06, skylark11, bloodedge12 and heavy07.
TRADED [41] cancer17 to yamachan01 for futon05.
TRADED [42] blackrose19, [43] clean17 and [44] faust09 to dearmykeysx for appetite02, futon17 and futon18.
TRADED [45] appetite02 to sommelier for futon03.
GIFTED puellamagi01 to bosom.

12 June 2011: TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE 01: blackrose19, code0403, ghostfiles09, hostclub12, pisces20 and clow19.
TRANSLATION MISCALCULATION 01: normal01, resurgam02, alien04 and short14.
LEVEL BANNER DONATION: cancer17, pilot04, resurgam12 and blaster15.
LEFT VS RIGHT 01: king16 and aquarium02.
BLURRY PICTURES 01: amulet04, loveme11 and vino16.
TRADED [32] pisces20 to bosom for dominion14.
PUZZLE DONATION: jealousy15 and ikebukuro03.
FILM SHOP: (1 pink camera) art12, gore12 and zero16.
TRADED [33] hunter13, [34] straydog20, [35] geass01 and [36] geass03 to senren for futon07, futon14 and rosekiss17.
TRADED [37] king16 to newspaper for dominion15.
TRADED [38] raiser08 to ratiosu for eroge14.

11 June 2011: MELODIC TUNES 01: honey10, mushi07, guardian19, maschera04, clean17 and justbefriends17.
TRADED [28] denial09 to bosom for stripes18.
TRADED [29] feathers01 to pinkified for futon10.
TRADED [30] raven17 to sno for keyboard02.
TRADED [31] crystal19 to orechibisama for futon16.

10 June 2011: TRADED [26] bartender16 to yamachan01 for keyboard01.
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: 1 camera, faust09, guitar07, guitar12 and mugen17.
JUNE RELEASE: menma20 and denial09.
TRADED [27] mugen17 to orechibisama for futon09.
ANNIVERSARY EVENT: right06, liar13, pisces10 and feathers02.

9 June 2011: ANNIVERSARY EVENT: acrobat19, belly20, clow06, crystal19, destiny15, dominion17, enigmatic18, feathers01, hatter05, hunter13, innovator20, kendo16, klutz04, liberation19, pineapple10, raiser08, raven17, straydog20, trailblazer14 and voice04.
TRADED [24] destiny15 to chuukoku for dominion12.
TRADED [M] 1 member card: Chuu.
TRADED [25] acrobat19 to bosom for rosekiss03.

8 June 2011: RECEIVED: rosekiss07 from bosom.
TRADED [22] vulcanus06 to yamachan01 for eroge06.
TRADED [23] hungary03 to silvertigerx for balut02.
TRADED [M] 4 member cards: Cassidy, Roax, Saku and YingYu.

7 June 2011: TRADED [12] raven2 to chuukoku for balut11.
GIFT: voice04 to bosom.
TRADED [13] acrobat12 to bosom for balut12.
TRADED [14] mushi19 and [15] bride10 to senren for eroge20 and balut20.
TRADED [16] prejoin16 to rainyskies12 for eroge08.
TRADED [17] gore06 to sno for balut01.
TRADED [18] velvetroom08 to yamachan01 for balut14.
TRADED [19] lancelot14 to senren for keyboard17.
TRADED [20] earl08 to newspaper for balut05.
TRADED [21] himiko13 to sparkism for balut06.

6 June 2011: TRADED [11] starrydays04 to xxdeidara for eroge17.
TRADED [M] 1 member card: Silver.
JUNE RELEASE: mushi19, salamander15, acrobat12, bride10, gore06, hungary03, violence11, voice04, himiko13, earl08, balut04, velvetroom08 and prejoin16.

5 June 2011: Joined Photographs TCG for the first time.
STARTER PACK: eroge11/19/09/15, appetite09, quest06, bartender16, geass01, feathers16 and vulcanus13.
BOOSTER PACK: keyboard08, appetite04 and puellamagi02.
TRADED [1] puellamagi02 to bosom for guitar08.
TRADED [2] feathers16 and [3] quest06 to rainyskies13 for eroge03 and zero17.
TRADED [4] appetite09 to sommelier for palmtop11.
TRADED [5] appetite04 to gantai for keyboard09.
TRADED [M] 9 member cards: Erin, Kerry, Kuri, Mew, Rei, Snow, Tari, Twiggy and Yujing.
FREEBIES 01: baseball18, scarves16 and starrydays04.
TRADED [6] palmtop11 to tategamiwolf for eroge01.
TRADEPOT TRADE [7] baseball18 for dominion07.
YUUKO DECK DONATION: lancelot14, abyss20 and vulcanus06.
NAGANOHARA MIO DECK DONATION: existence15, lancelot04 and belly05.
SCAVENGER HUNT TASKS 01 & 04: quest08, geass03, eternity18, mysterious01 and eternity15.
GIFT: mysterious01 to bosom.
TRADED [8] existence18 to enfacade for dominion01.
GRAND OPENING EVENT: grandopening and eroge02.
GRAND OPENING EVENT RANDOMIZER: eroge12 and dominion13.
TRADED [9] abyss20 to orechibisama for eroge05.
TRADED [10] scarves16 to raitosu for rosekiss02.
TRADED [86] eternity15 and eternity19 to rainyskies13 for dominion20 and keyboard03.

player: heoni, photographs

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