((OOC: Gai is about three years old here, and looks a surprising amount like tiny!Lee, complete with a braid and bangs and stuff. Gai's dad looks.... well, an awful lot like Gai does now, though the eyes aren't the same, and he also wears a nice, long braid and bangs. Oh, and no spandex for either of them. XD))
And they were just the same. Just the same. )
Comments 46
You miss him.
[And Gai laughs now, beaming; he's still a little subdued, and in a strange mood that Neji probably isn't used to, but he obviously isn't letting himself remain upset.] But I carry him with me wherever I go, in my face and my heart and all that I do--and the things he gave to me, I give to you and the others, Neji-kun.
If only Neji had someone to talk to about him. He thinks of Iruka.
Gai-senseifather's words, their meaning sink into Neji's head, and the idea his teacherfather conveys coalesces into the tangible, because he's right and Neji's father is here, too, in everything Neji says and does and will do in the future.
He feels as naked and innocent as a child. Sometimes, Gai-father has that effect on him. ]
I know what you mean.
[And Neji... Neji is growing into a noble young man as well, a proud shinobi with a fierce spirit and incredible abilities. Gai can feel the rush of affection and pride.] I'm glad, Neji-kun.... I know that you couldn't fail to make your father proud.
Kakashi used to wonder what that was like.
His father never held him like that.
It would've gotten in the way of his training, of making him disciplined. Warm embraces were for children, and Kakashi wasn't one.]
Ah, so that was what it was like.
[ He says this softly.
He's not surprised that Gai had such a happy childhood.]
[And Kakashi, obviously, did not stop short of being a tragedy. He knew that Kakashi had been a child who was never a child--or at least, who had never acted like one. But Sakumo had been a true hero too, and a man of tragic honor.... honor that, though painful, spoke volumes about his feelings for the only family that he had. Gai's voice is soft as well, thinking of the past, and things that could have been.] That's right. I'm sure your father loved you with all his heart as well, Kakashi.
(It rained the day honor bled.)
Seventeen years ago, Kakashi would've vehemently denied Gai's claim.
(His hands did not shake back then.)
He hums in agreement, a soft sound. He remembers sitting by the warmth of a flickering fire, his father's presence as large as it had felt when he was small. Remembers talking for hours. The pride that lit up Sakumo's eyes. The love.
Kakashi has no doubt that Sakumo's always loved him. ]
My father... was waiting for me.
[ When I died. He doesn't have to finish the sentence, because he knows Gai would understand. ]
He waited twenty-one years...
[ He says softly, almost contemplatively. ]
He is a good man. [Is, not was, because like all people who are loved, Sakumo lives on in Kakashi's heart.]
Was that real?
It is! ....Well, a real dream, and a real memory, I mean. How long have you been here, sir?
Long enough t'see the whole thing. Uh. Sorry, man. Didn't mean to.
It's fine, don't worry! People can't keep their dreams private here. My name is Maito Gai, welcome! What is your name?
That's very sweet, Gai-sensei.
Hey... your dad seemed pretty nice.
I've been making lots of nice memories here.
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