Name: Glory
Age: 17
3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself with a bachelor degree in one hand, a stronger knowledge on the areas of dance, music and art, and moving forward to fulfilling the rest of my dreams. Hopefully in five years I will also have enough savings and ability to be accepted and able to go to the art school of my choosing. If however this could not be possible yet by then I also see myself using what I’ve learned in the past to help others with the knowledge I have.
I see myself in five years as a more mature and more confident and a better human being too.
4. Which of the characters do you most relate to?
Hermione Granger. I can be as knowledge thirsty and as stubborn as she can be. For me knowledge means power just like it does for Hermione. And for a long time pride was my strongest flaw. I think it’s one of the worst because in a way it blinds you from seeing things as they are.But despite that shes also very good to her friends and wants to help them as much as she can :)
5. Who is your favorite character from the books?
Tough question. I’d have to go first with Nymphadora Tonks. We don’t know much about her but she makes me laugh and I can tell she has a good heart. In dark times laughter can be a good thing. Next to her in my list is Ginny. OOTP Ginny confirmed what I already suspected. She is brave, practical and fun to be with. And Harry because I can relate a lot to him and I love him despite how clueless or silly he can be. And he makes me laugh too. ;)
6. Who is your least favorite?
Peter Pettigrew. He was scared but to reach a point where he had to betray his friends? I just can't possibly understand this. It shows great weakness on his part. And this, folks, is a true example of why the 'Slytherins are all bad' saying is a silly thing. Because he was supposed to be loyal and brave, a Gryffindor, but he decided to show his bravery by doing all those stupid things in POA and GOF. They say the seventh place in hell is reserved for the traitors.
What angers and saddens me most is that he gave Voldemort the necessary information so he could go and kill his friend’s son. How could he?! Nothing justifies this. The act itself doesn't even make sense.
I think betrayal is one of the worst offenses, the one that hurts the most. I truly believe that Peter’s a monster, only someone like that would choose killing his friend's family.
"You should have died, like we would have done for you" - paraphrasing, can’t find my book at the moment. That was a great line from a great scene. I would have said the same to him. I think one of Sirius best scenes was that in the Shrieking Shack.
I wonder sometimes, how people can be so merciless. *sigh*
7. What would you see when you look into the Mirror of Erised?
Probably myself as a person who can master many abilities, has a family (a healthy one) and a home near to one of my favorite places in the world (the beach). I would also see myself dressed in really amusing clothes that reflect my artistic nature. :D
8. What would your boggart be?
At this point in my life it would be being completely alone in a crowded place with people speaking a language I can’t understand. It terrifies me because I would feel so lost and out of place. I’d feel very trapped just like I feel when I have no one friendly to turn to.
9. Dark Magic: Tell us your thoughts. Is there such a thing? Or is magic only dark because of the motivation behind its use?
Magic is only dark because of the motivation behind its use. Say you make a knife, you can use it to cut food with it or you can stab someone with it. The knife is not evil, what makes it evil is your choice. It all relies on choice. You can use your gift to heal or destroy. It’s the same with magic.
10. On the same token, should the "Dark Arts" be studied directly or should Hogwarts continue to only teach the defensive magic used against them?
Knowledge in the wrong hands is dangerous. Students should be taught how to protect themselves against this magic, it should be the school’s priority. Although it should only be taught to those who either need to learn it to create defenses against it or those who have decided to fight it and need to learn it to know what they’re up against. These people have to be reliable and responsible. Otherwise we’d have even more corruption than we have already.
11. What is your favorite non-Harry Potter book? Quote something from it and tell us why you chose that line.
I tried finding my favorite book but did not have such luck. So I looked for one that was close to it. Surprisingly its Hamlet :) I know it’s a play but still.
"Why then ‘tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. To me it is a prison."
~Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Our memories about experiences we lived often change the way we see things. Places that give warm memories to others are reminders of past suffering. Some people love my school and the college that I’m attending. I can't love it as much because I’m constantly haunted by my worst moments which took place there. That was where I lived when I wasn't home after my family got sick. There are so much regrets that come from that place that sometimes I forget how beautiul the landscape can look to those who haven't experienced there what I did. And when I sit down and try to see its beauty sometimes I can. Sometimes it[college] can stop being a prison for me and become a beautiful comforting new home.
12. You overhear some students from one House plotting something to do to a group of students in another House. Neither of the groups contain students from your House. What do you do with the information and why?
My first thought is to ignore them. However if I had friends in any of the houses I would warn my friends. They would have more chances to stop it than me because it’s their own house. If it’s really bad I would let the Prefect know because the last thing I want to see is people get hurt by the recklessness and prejudice of others.
13. You are sitting in your house common room when you notice that another student has left a book lying on the table. You pick it up and realize it is their personal diary. What do you do?
I’d be really tempted to read it but that would lead to feeling way guilty. I’d rather avoid that. I would open it to find out who’s the owner and personally give it to them. If that means reading several entries, I’d rather ask around for the owner, post a notice or something. If someone shows up, I would ask them to prove if they are the owners (to avoid it from falling in the wrong hands) and then give it back to them.
14. Would you use an Unforgivable Curse under any circumstances?
If you wonder what I would do in case of extreme emergency, that would actually be my last option. Add that to the fact that I would never use Imperious because I consider manipulation to be a loathsome way to get what you want in life. You fight for your believes, yes, but you don't brainwash. As for Avada Kedavra I don’t think I could conjure up enough anger and strength to do it successfully. Same with Crucio.
15. Do you think Harry was right or wrong to use his cloak to get to Hogsmeade in the 3rd book?
I guess in his mind he was right. It was unfair to not let him go since it’s common knowledge that his guardians are not the nicest of people. However he was risking so much that I agree that he was wrong and I loved that Lupin made him see this. His actions were reckless but it should have been expected. He’s young after all. Doesn’t justify it but explains it.
16. If you could eliminate one character from the HP universe, who would you choose and why?
This is a tough question. It’s like asking me who would I eliminate from the world If I could. To me the wizarding world is a whole world in a way. Yes, there is always a person we want to eliminate but honestly every single character has a purpose. It adds to the story as it adds to the world. But if I could I guess I would go with Fudge. He is the kind of guy that is blinded by arrogance at the expence of other peoples lives and safety.
17. What's one thing you would do if you knew you would suffer no consequences from it? Oh that would give me freedom to do so much. I guess I would show more of who I really am than before. No more fear to say what I feel, show people that I can be so much more than what I am at the moment.
18. Someone has graffitied a hateful remark about your House on one of the walls in the Great Hall. Luckily for you, you overhear a conversation between House elves who witnessed the perpetrator, and you alone know who did it. What do you do?
I’d probably go to my Head Of House especially because they’re not just insulting me but they are insulting my friends and house in general. It would make me very upset.
19. Snape hates Harry by proxy James and treats Harry accordingly. Play Devil’s Advocate for us and justify this.
Everytime he looks at Harry he can’t help but see James because James hurt him in such a way that Snape will never be able to recover fully. And even if Harry is not James, Harry is the living reminder of the person that tortured, humilliated Snape and almost got him killed. Some scars run too deep for healing. It’s not Harry’s fault nor Snape’s. And the one who is responsible could never take it back anyway so *shrugs*
20. What do you really think of Snape? Is he fair in the things he does?
I really don’t know what to think of him because I’m not sure whether he’s a good person despite his cold and nasty behavior or if he is a ruthless traitor.
He’s a good teacher but he’s not perfect and his life experiences led him to make choices that I don’t agree with. So for me he is just a smart person who had bad luck and didn’t come out of it very well.
21. Do you like the idea of a school being split into four separate houses? What about school unity?
I think that it can be both a good a bad idea. Reuniting students with similiar strengths and skills can be beneficial but the separation brings out rivalry. It also brings prejudice, Hufflepuff for instance has suffered from this. Slytherin is known for bringing the bad guys and now everyone thinks they are the evil house. Gryffindor is the one that always wins because they are brave and good and Ravenclaw students have the highest IQ and can be elitist. Can you see all the negative vibes that come out from the perceptions we have all come to know about the houses? I agree with the Sorting Hat’s song in OOTP.
However whether there are four houses or not, this lack of unity will always exist everywhere. Which is why I admire whoever decides to prove the sterotypes and the bias wrong. I worry we won’t see this from Slytherin in the books because it would mean so much and say so much about the house and the world.
22. Which are more important: Friends or Family?
Both are equally important. Friends can become family too. Just because we don’t share DNA doesn’t mean they can’t be a huge part of our lives.
23. Rate the following in order of importance to you, from least to greatest: family, love, fame, money, power.
Fame - Can be beneficial but it can also hurt you. I mean the more famous you are, the busier you become and it gets harder to reach out to other people due to the safety issues and of course the fact that you have no time for them. And people sometimes let it get to their heads and become really self-centered. I know of famous people who can reach out to the public from time to time, who are still humble but that’s a rare bunch. Getting praise for your work is amazing but I don’t think I should make it my priority. I want to focus on giving my best and see what happens.
Power - Well I wouldn’t say it’s the least thing in my mind because I’d be lying. Power is very important to me but I admit that the following three deep down come in first.
Money - One of the things people worship the most in the world. The thing about money is that it does make life easier, hell, it even makes you able to fulfill your dreams easier. It helps you get good colleges, keep up with bills and expensive hobbies. However it has the ability to corrupt a person. I rank it high on my list because I need it a lot to fulfill my ambitions.
Love - Love is a word used so much in many ways I think its lost its meaning by now. But I’ll say that love is important in everyone’s life. But I don’t see the word love as the ‘true love, soulmates forever!’ kind, instead I wish Friendship was there instead. Friends are my second family and there are no words to describe how nice it is to have friends in your life.
Family - For me family is more than just Mom and Dad (never really had any of them). It’s made of my grandparents and people I’m not biologically related to which makes it fairly short. So I’ll add in what I said about friendship here. Without their support and my small family’s support I don’t think I’d be where I am now. So they’re a very important thing in my life which is why I ranked them number 1.
24. Some people think the Weasley twins are funny, while others find them mean spirited. How do you feel, and why?
I think they are very creative and intelligent. Their sole purpose is to have fun and make people laugh. I agree that this can become a mean spirited activity if it gets out of hand though. What I can say about them is that they’re young, want to make people happy and inevitably will come across as immature many times. It takes many screw up’s to finally master a gift. They will mature sooner or later, what matters is that they don’t forget their dream.
25. When playing rock, paper, scissors, what do you usually deal?
Actually I’ve never had any friends that were fond of the game. What first comes to my mind is scissors though. Probably because like the rock it can be a weapon but I find it a more powerful one.
26. IS all fair in love and war?
No. You can’t hex someone because they don’t love you back nor you can kill the family of someone who has a different opinion than you. I’m afraid there are times where the end (love, peace) doesn’t justify the means (deceit, murder, cheating etc).
As for war being fair I’m going to quote someone who said it best “Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity”.
It just doesn’t work that way. The minute you start thinking that anything is fair you are going to start doing the unthinkable to get what you want. You’ll not only hurt people in the process but ultimately yourself. It’s all going downhill from there on.
27. Do you consider a first impression to be the only impression a person can give? Why or why not? And if we refused to sort you, what would you do?
Most people take a first impression as a sure sign of how the person is and will be. I however do not because what if you catch them on a bad day? You’d be missing so much if you allowed one impression to influence you so much. I once met a girl that at first glance looked like the kind of people who are too full of themselves. However she surprised me with her maturity and kind behavior. So I think first impressions can be accurate at times but also deceiving.
28. You've been asked to invent a new spell to be taught at Hogwarts. What is the name of the spell, what does it do, and what is the incantation?
The incantation is ‘talento’. My spell strenghten/improves a persons ability at whatever they desire. Say I want to dance but I’m not flexible enough, well the spell would give me more ability so it might make me more flexible so I can dance better. It’s a crazy spell but it could help so many peole who want to do better at things like math ect. There’s so much this spell can do. :D
29. Think about a negative past experience and tell us how it affected you. What did you learn from it? If you could go back and change it now, would you?
*takes deep breath*
Okay, a few years ago I met ago I met the person who I would call my best friend in the whole world for the next few years and maybe even now. To make a long story short, he appeared in my life when I was at my worst and helped me through a lot of stuff. We were inseparable but after a year things changed between us. We distanced from each other and for some time I had this huge breakdown. After the sadness had diminished I began to try to recover from the experience by finding ways to distract myself. That is how I ended up using the internet world, learning graphics and making websites. But that is not all. After that stuff in my life began to change, I began try to find out who I was. I had never cared for this before. For years I had led a life that was focused on surviving not on living, not on doing what I wanted but whatever it was that others wanted from me.
I tried to figure out how things had gotten to that point. Soon I began to find answers. As time passed I began to realize what I wanted in my life. Through the net I met a new best friend, new friends came in my life and I began to conquer some of the fear that had kept me trapped for so many years.
I can’t even begin to mention how my life began to change after that experience.
I wouldn’t change it because it was an important event in my life that brought so much good into my life. In a way I would change it because thinking of those days, thinking about one of the few people that knows me more than anyone else, who saw me fall endlessly, who saw the worst side of me, who saw me rise again and who never stopped being my friend despite all.. .It scares me. I can’t explain this though. That would take three hundred pages more. :P
People sometimes come into our lives for a purpose. They are there to show us something we haven’t seen or realized. Once their mission is done they must leave because its now up to us to deal with the gift they’ve given us. We are never the same person after that.
30. If you happened across the Room of Requirement, what would you find?
A huge library with several round tables and a kitchen, giving it the aspect of a library and a cafe. I love books and it would be heaven for me. So much stories to read, too many worlds to discover and so much to learn. The café look will make me feel like being home.
31. What would you be willing to die for?
I’d be willing to die for my family and friends. I want the best for them even though it might mean making sacrifices. Just look at Ron in SS, I would have done the same.
32. If you died, would you want to come back as a ghost? Why or why not?
As a ghost I would have to endure an eternity of watching people live while I would be stuck in always the same state. It would be like being a rock and it would be too painful. It has advantages but I’ll pass. I’d rather die and have it over with.
33. Finally, what house do you think you belong in?
Ravenclaw. I think my highest ambition is to learn as much as I can. I can be brave and loyal but I find learning new things and mastering them a huge challenge. I enjoy it best. Although I have a Slytherin ambition I don’t think I’m ambitious and cunning enough for them. But who knows?
34. Oh, and one more thing. Just to make it easier on us for pointing, who told you about us?
fanficjunkie :D