CHARACTER SERIES: Toaru Kagaku no Index
Backtagging: I'm always game for that.
Threadhopping: I love threadhopping as long as the thread isn't too long or serious. Other wise, please ask me for permission.
Fourthwalling: Just use good judgment on what buttons to push and what NOT to push.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Go for broke. Mikoto can get easily offended, but I won't.
Hugging this character: Mikoto will blush and try to push you away or flat out punch you unless she knows you well enough. Or she'll get her Pichu to shock you.
Kissing this character: Same as above. She'll probably hold a grudge if the kiss out of nowhere like whoa.
Flirting with this character: Mikoto will probably blush and throw out some snide comments to end the flirting or handwave it all together. Fighting with this character: Even though her esper power is gone, Mikoto knows how to defend herself if the time comes.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I'm okay with minor injuries, but talk to me if we want to get more serious.
Killing this character: No need for killing here.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Can't use those abilities here!
Warnings: Mikoto can go from friendly to I'M GOING TO WREAK YOUR SHIT in an flash!
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