cathy, your life sounds so awesome and cool! ahhh, i'm excited for you! i think that everyone secretly wants to be a journalist. good journalists are just so badass and brilliant. seriously, when i was in 9th grade, i wanted my future husband to be the editor of the new york times (with the armani suit). aw man, i was a dork.
anyway, i'm still really excited for you! this is like the time you went to cty and came back all stylish/hot with pink sunglasses and sex bracelets and first kisses?! man, this time it's going to be like gucci sunglasses and CONDOMS and LOST VIRGINITY. (just kidding chris!)
good luck making friends cathy!! i think the other girl sounds cool. -_-;; but yeah, you're wayyy hot and smart and asian so keep it real over thurr. and i was going to say something else...
OHHH YEAH! don't forget about our plan while you're making friends! chris is going to take a roadtrip to rape you and i think i'll join to rape those good-looking indian boys! aw man, i'm excited for myself now.
i love you sheelpa. oh man, this journalist teacher is seriously insane. he was all the end of the day, do you feel writing crying out from the depths of your soul???? if someone told you to have a story in 2 hours, completely reported and written, would you energetically jump up on your chair while golden light surrounds you and you start to shake your groove thing??? (slight rephrasing, but general idea
( ... )
take advantage of the ability to randomly meet people in the most random places while you can, because it only lasts a few weeks usually. because like, once you have a couple of good friends and stuff, you're like, less afraid of being all alone and then less open to completely randomly and somewhat awkwardly meeting new people.
oh, and DEFINITELY explore the city. boston is pretty damn cool, has good food, and is SO much cleaner than NYC. :)
i can't wait to visit boston! hopefully this weekend, if i am brave i'll go by myself or i can call up brooke or the girls across the hall to go with me ^_^
Comments 4
anyway, i'm still really excited for you! this is like the time you went to cty and came back all stylish/hot with pink sunglasses and sex bracelets and first kisses?! man, this time it's going to be like gucci sunglasses and CONDOMS and LOST VIRGINITY. (just kidding chris!)
good luck making friends cathy!! i think the other girl sounds cool. -_-;; but yeah, you're wayyy hot and smart and asian so keep it real over thurr. and i was going to say something else...
OHHH YEAH! don't forget about our plan while you're making friends! chris is going to take a roadtrip to rape you and i think i'll join to rape those good-looking indian boys! aw man, i'm excited for myself now.
oh, and DEFINITELY explore the city. boston is pretty damn cool, has good food, and is SO much cleaner than NYC. :)
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