Title: Snow
Series: Full Metal Panic!
Characters: Sagara Sousuke/Teletha Testarossa (Tessa-centric)
Rating: G
Word Count: 275
Summary: Just another captain's log.
Notes: Written for
Captain's Log: 17 January 20XX
It's snowing over the Sea of Japan. You'd think that it would be difficult to tell, but I've spent most of my life underwater, so understanding the weather above the surface is second nature to me. It's as obvious as the way Mardukas-san sounds crisper in issuing orders, or the way the halls sound a bit emptier when the clatter of shoes echoes across.
I don't really like snow. It's cold, and I've always been more comfortable under the sun. Sunflowers just don't look as cheery when they're weighed down by a blanket of frost.
Sun or snow, though, there are things that I have to do. I have to set a plan of action and stick to it. I have to make sure that we're all on course, on budget, on schedule, and onboard. I have to secure the safety of my crew, the people that I love and care about.
I can't spend time thinking about snow and discomfort when there's so much that needs to be done. In this field, as in any field, hesitation is a weakness. Perhaps it's a bit endearing when circumstances allow, but more than anything else, it's a nuisance. Time and time again, I get distracted, thinking about things that I don't need to be thinking about.
Bad habits... It's a bit depressing how they never go away.
It's kind of like the way Sagara-san still trips over my name after all these years, after all our time together.
"There's nothing else to report, Cap--uh... T-Tessa."
"Thank you, Sagara-san, that's all. Dismissed."
But he tries.
And I'll try, too.