Title: Where We Left (Sequel of Hold On)
Pairing: Sooyoung/Jaejoong, ninja!Jaejong/Jessica
Genre: Romance, Angst (slight)
Rating: G
A/N: Third response to the prompt challenge for sooyoungfics
Jaejoong looked out from his room’s window, well his and Jessica’s room’s window to only spot the beautiful moon with the dark night’s canvas and the small snowflakes cascading down contrasting. He heaved a soft sigh as he closed the curtain and settled himself on the side of the bed. He’s still thinking about his interaction with Sooyoung this afternoon, he’s in mixed emotions to say the least. He finally got to hold her hands after at least a year of separation and yet the feeling is still strong, but what he needs is to hug her. Jaejoong wants to have her back in his arms again, but he stares at Jessica who is waiting for him to join on the bed and thinks it’s impossible right now. His train of thoughts got cut when Jessica came calling him, “Oppa, I need a cuddle.” He let out an inaudible groan before granting his girlfriend’s command.
“You seem tired oppa.”
“Yeah”, he said. “That’s why I want to go sleep now. Night Sica” He pressed a kiss on her forehead before covering himself with the blanket pulling it closer to his body.
Jessica didn’t bother to ask him on to why he would sleep at an early evening hour of 9 o’clock but then again, he’s Kim Jaejoong, you wouldn’t know what goes in his mind. - only Sooyoung can. She smiled as she stare at him snooze off to dream land, Jessica slowly lied down to her side of the king size bed and went off to her dreamland.
In the midst of his sleep, Jaejoong found himself downstairs by the kitchen. Oh right, he sleep walks. He glanced at the wall clock - 11:46 am. Instead of putting himself back to sleep, he decided to have a short walk by the park. As he strolled down the park, a flow of memories started to flood in him. Yes, he was still thinking about the meet with Sooyoung yesterday. If only he could replay back to that time and fully explain to her what he really feels and if possible, vice versa. He badly wants to know what Sooyoung thinks of him now, whether she still loves him or not, he just wants to know.
As if Sooyoung was listening to him, she suddenly came to appearance by the other side of the park completely unaware by his presence. He gasped for a bit before snapping himself into reality, hiding behind the closest tree he could find. “What is she doing here?”, he whispered to himself.
“Aish, Sooyoung...it’s been a year and now you decide that you still love him?”, she started yelling to herself which caused Jaejoong to be more intrigued. “Why didn’t you tell him that you still love when you had the chance yesterday? I’m such a babo.”
He finally gave in as he decided to reach her, “No you’re not a babo Soo.”
Sooyoung let out a yelp and her face was terrified by his sudden unexpected greeting. “Have you been listening to me?!”
“No, I was smelling you”, Jaejoong snorted well naturedly. “You still have feelings for me?”
“Won’t you ever stop asking me that?”
“Answer me.”
“Didn’t my babbling earlier answer you already?”, Sooyoung shrugged by the hush of the wind blow her short brown hair. She notice Jaejoong near her and she couldn’t really find a way to escape since she felt her own feet glued on the pavements. “Fine, I-I still love you.” She whispered. “Happy?”
Jaejoong smiled in delight once he pulled her for a warm hug. “Ecstatic”, he grinned. “I love you too.”
Midnight came and I knew it was all over; thought Jaejoong. He has Sooyoung back with him again; they hugged and held hands as they walked along the park. It is past midnight and they had to say goodbye...and hoping for a hello soon. They bid each other goodbye with a long passionate kiss and set back to their own lives, back to reality.