I went picture crazy the other week. Hehe.
^ Me and Mallllorrrryyy.
Lets review my classes and how they're going so far.
Biology: Well, it was really cool and first cause he told us we'd be going over DNA and evolution and stuff. And its kinda hard, and Mr.Rhichards is pissing me the f off. All he does is bitch and complain about his students. He doesn't care about shit and I think he thinks since its his last year and he'd retiring that he can do whatever the hell he wants. Don't get me wrong, he is a really cool guy cause he doesn't treat us like we're 5 or something, but hes the most stubborn, arrogant, assfuck ever and is pushing my damn buttons.
Computer Keyboarding: Mr.Baer is nice, and I have more than 100%. I'll be done with the whole thing we're doing tomarrow in class while everyone is still on the first little lesson thing. I'm waaaaay ahead.
Algebra: Well, I failed last semester and will have to take it again next year. How great. I'll be a sophomore in a class of a bunch of fucktard freshman. I'm hoping I do well this semester, and thats definetly what I'm going for. Although my teacher has to be the dumbest person ever .. and I'm not even kidding .... I might make it through.
English: We're finishing Romeo and Juliet now. I love it. Even though its hard to understand and shit, I still love it. I loooove the movie, the new one. And we just started watching it. I love that movie so much. I remember watching it when I was little. YESS. Mrs.Owens is nice too. And I have Chad, Ben, and David and a few others in that class so it makes it fun.
Interior Design: Its really boring and we of course have the old, conservative, high matnince teacher like always with this kind of stuff. Its a cool class, and its what I want to do with my life, so whatever. Its fine. I have like, 107% in there too.
Success: I have Hoover. Shes nice most of the time. I'm usually never there though. I always go to the library or algebra.
French: I don't have Ricky or Jessica anymore and its really sad. But I guess I'll live. This class is pretty boring, but its French so whatever. I think I'm going to try and pay attention more and try to understand it. I was thinknig about not going on a senior trip with my friends and shit and going summer 2008 when I graduate. Who knows. It depends on if I even do French that long.
Visual Communications: I have Danny in this class. Along with Mal, Brett, Tony, and Johnny. It makes it fun. But all we're doing right now is tutorials. They're so boring and on all of them I cheated and stole someone elses and just rearranged things. I feel bad. And it sucks cause now I won't know anything about the shit. I hope this class gets funner cause so far its just been sucking ass.
I start scheduling for next year next week. Algebra is going to take away one of my electives. But out of all the things to take I want Vis Comm again, French again, Creative Writing, yearbook (I have to take it), journalism (have to take) .. and yeah.