My dreams

Jul 01, 2009 09:32

ok So I was reunited with adam and we had new special powers and we were on a ship taking care of our little sister (yet we weren't siblings) and she found a secret passageway that led to a galley filled with... you guessed it clothes form every era and fashion set. Yes a costumers heaven. So adam brought a friend with him and his friend also had ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

otaku_preist July 2 2009, 01:52:55 UTC
HAHAHAHA! Wonderful.


yrlovablekitty July 2 2009, 02:03:04 UTC
I thought you would enjoy my warped world


otaku_preist July 7 2009, 16:16:15 UTC
Sweetie, it's not warped, it's just right!


yrlovablekitty July 8 2009, 19:30:28 UTC
This is a sign from the dream gods we need to hang out and costume it up sometime


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