
Jul 11, 2011 21:30

 Okay, so it's like this.

Some time ago, me and lil_1337  sent out a box to Kevin And Ursula Eat Cheap, which is a weekly podcast produced by two fantastic and creative people, naturally named Kevin and Ursula (imagine that.)  Said box contained a miscellaneous assortment of southwestern foodstuffs, chosen for its amusement value, peculiarity, interesting ( Read more... )

food (loosely speaking)

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Comments 29

lil_1337 July 12 2011, 05:07:46 UTC
That is exactly why I refused to eat it. I'm damn impressed you at least tried it.


ysabet July 12 2011, 05:31:46 UTC
EVIL PERSON. I shall tromp on your HEAD. And I'm pretty damn impressed too, actually.


lil_1337 July 12 2011, 05:46:47 UTC
I'd rather have my head tromped on then eat Meundo. On the other hand I would totally make you an apology dinner on Friday, just tell me what you want.


ysabet July 12 2011, 23:24:13 UTC
Come to think of it, I'd rather have my head tromped on too than ever do that again. And that's incredibly sweet, Miz Lil, but you don't have to do that; though if you have fudgesicles I won't say no... :D


wren_chan July 12 2011, 05:40:57 UTC
Well really, hon, after listening to the nervous breakdown you gave Ursula with it, it seems only fair... XD


ysabet July 12 2011, 23:24:36 UTC
**sad sigh** True.


mel_redcap July 12 2011, 05:48:23 UTC

Bleah. I will try just about any food item, really, I've even eaten natto of my own free will... but bleah!


Truly hardcore. alchemist July 12 2011, 13:49:53 UTC
Re: Truly hardcore. ysabet July 12 2011, 15:12:15 UTC
**deep sigh** Thank you kindly; I shall bear my hardcore badge proudly. And you're right, my place smells like simmered tripe today. Ain't EVER doing that again. I'll taste just about anything once and I'm fond of some very odd foods, but not tripe. Raw oysters, whole fried baby fish, sea urchin, goose liver, dried chili squid shreds, bring 'em... but not tripe. **shudders**


Re: Truly hardcore. nightengale July 12 2011, 17:04:29 UTC
Dude, excellent! ♥ For all the wailing she put up via text during & after the process, she still definitely deserves props. She tried to get me to eat it too - hah, *I* wasn't the one who made promises. :D

A small request: Can you switch the link in your post from my LJ to my site: , pretty please? The LJ's private, so there's nothing for clickthroughs to see anyway. :D


Re: Truly hardcore. alchemist July 12 2011, 17:15:17 UTC
No problem at all - all fixed now!


tephralynn July 12 2011, 16:04:42 UTC
Sadly, only the calves feet and spices in that list of ingredients were warn offs. Tripe is definitely one of those "has to be done right" things though. Oddly, I have had commercial condensed tripe soup that was tasty. It was made by Campbell's and they called it "pepper pot".

Excellent choice of beer chaser, BTW. :)


ysabet July 12 2011, 16:48:11 UTC
Mucho thankees; the beer soothed my soul.

And I know what you mean; I'm fond of oxtail soup and have had both horrible and decent varieties of both canned and fresh. I was really dissappointed when I got terrible freshly-made oxtail soup; I'd expected much better.


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