Poem: "Cutting Words"

May 15, 2010 09:26

This poem came out of the May 11, 2010 Poetry Fishbowl.  It was inspired by a prompt from siege and sponsored by nhpeacenik.

Cutting Words

A knife is a tool, and not a toy
So treat it that way and work with joy.

A sharpened edge cuts with little force,
So keep it keen for less work, of course.

A clean blade carves with nary a stain
No matter how pale the wood's fine grain.

Away from your body, safe to cut ---
But toward your body, anything but.

Don't ever run with an open knife
Or wave a blade in jest or in strife.

Don't pry with the blade, or turn a screw,
Or hammer the hilt like some fools do.

Your knife has a place where it should stay
When folded or sheathed and put away.

Respect yourself and respect your knife
And you will enjoy a long safe life.

poem, reading, writing, fishbowl, safety, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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