This poem came out of the November 2, 2010 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by a prompt from
siege and sponsored out of general funds. I have long been intrigued by
dendrochronology, and it seemed like a good answer to the prompt's question.
The Door of Years
Dendrochronology reveals the past,
Ringed in honey-colored wood, spring and fall,
Opening gates which we may pass at last
Answering adventure's clarion call.
Though warlord's magic holds the land in thrall,
Dendrochronology reveals the past.
Heroines escape through time's splintered hall,
Seeking heroes of old to breach the wall.
Forward we march, fixing our fortunes fast,
Breaking the warlord's hold with his downfall.
Dendrochronology reveals the past:
Our fates, too, reduced to history's scrawl.
Nothing is ever lost beyond recall
While forests hold their hidden doors steadfast.
Tyrants come and go; heroes overhaul.
Dendrochronology reveals the past.