Generally Sponsored Poetry Poll for October 4, 2011 Fishbowl

Oct 08, 2011 14:28

This is the generally sponsored poetry poll for the October 4, 2011 Poetry Fishbowl.  Everyone is eligible to vote.  I'll check the poll Sunday evening and close it if there's a clear winner then.  Otherwise I may leave it open longer.

You have $15 to spend.  There is one $5 poem: "Ghost in the Screen."  There are two $10 poems: "Friendly Whispers" and "Overlooked."  There are two $15 poems: "Visitations" and "We've Got It Covered."  Thumbnails for these are in the unsold poetry post.  There are also four open epics:  "The Accidental Hero" needs $15 to be fully funded; $5 would reveal two new verses.  "Igor's Creature" needs $39.50 to be fully funded; $5 would reveal one new verse.  "Restoration" needs $15 to be fully funded; $5 would reveal one new verse. " Will Not" needs $64 to be fully funded; $5 would reveal one new verse.

Poll Generally Sponsored Poetry for October 4, 2011

poll, reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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