Poem: "Hymn to Nekhbet"

Feb 09, 2012 20:00

This poem came from the February 7, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl.  It was inspired by prompts from morrigans_eve and the_vulture.  It was sponsored by the_vulture for l_rosefeather.  You can read more about Nekhbet in "Animal Gods" and "Nekhbet."

Hymn to Nekhbet

Nekhbet of the wide wings, hear us,
where you soar above the Black Land.

Vulture goddess, wearer of the atef,
the white crown of the Upper Nile, bless us.

Nekhbet, who carries the shen  symbol,
the circlet of eternity in certain claws, hear us.

Vulture goddess, guardian of queens and mothers,
spread your mantle over our temple and bless us.

reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, poem, spirituality, paganism

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