Generally Sponsored Poetry Poll for March 6, 2012

Mar 09, 2012 21:25

This is the generally sponsored poetry poll for the March 6, 2012 fishbowl.  You have $125 to spend.  All of the poems except for the epics have sold out.  There are two epics currently in microfunding: " Call to Duty" needs $17 to be fully funded, and " Tunnel Vision" needs $146.  There are three epics currently eligible to be opened: "Crossing the Line," "The Hansom Knight," and "Starfather."

"Crossing the Line" -- 152 lines, $76 (Gloryroad Crossing)
Per your prompt, goblins come to Gloryroad Crossing. Clearly they have picked the wroooong town to attack. The tale is told from the perspective of Hob the beggar, who gets swept into the action when an exhausted highway patroller collapses in his arms. Dron the barkeeper and Brilla the baker reappear, but much of the cast is filled by characters suggested by other prompters. "Crossing the Line" is free verse.

"The Hansom Knight" -- 74 lines, $37
Based on a prompt with the same phrasing, "The Hansom Knight" is a free-verse poem about a cabbie who finds a dead knight in his cab when he arrives at the dragon-infested manor house. Bit not good.

"Starfather" -- 172 lines, $86
You hooked me with the adoptive parent, although it went in a weird direction. Adjo Mubarak is a soldier, desperately trying to defend an alien colony against marauders. He finds a baby clinging to the fresh corpse of its parent, and picks it up. Some babies, once you've picked them up, aren't so easy to put down again -- and there's still a battle going on. "Starfather" is a free-verse poem set in my main science fiction universe.

You could finish "Call to Duty" and reveal most of "Tunnel Vision."  You could buy any one of the new epics whole, with substantial money left over for something else. You could buy "The Hansom Knight" plus either "Crossing the Line" or "Starfather" whole, with a little left over. You could buy either "Crossing the Line" or "Starfather" whole and a large chunk of the other one. There are lots of different ways to slice this very generous pie.  I'll try to frame the polling to let people fund the most popular poems, without creating choice paralysis.

Everyone is eligible to vote in this poll.  I will keep this open until at least Saturday evening.  If there's a clear winner by then, I'll close it; otherwise I may leave it open a little longer.  If you route all the money into currently open epics, this poll will settle it and I'll post the results.  If you divide the money between current and new epics, or route it all into new epics, further polling will be required.

Poll Generally Sponsored Poetry Poll for March 6, 2012 Fishbowl

poll, reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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