Poem: "Deviltry on Steroids"

Oct 07, 2012 19:33

This poem came from the October 2-3, 2012 Poetry Fishbowl.  It was inspired and sponsored by laffingkat.

Deviltry on Steroids

It began with a bodybuilder
who wished for an easier way
to build his body.

He wanted more strength,
more definition,
larger muscles in general.

So the Devil came to the gym
and tempted him,
and the bodybuilder sinned.

The Devil told him of steroids,
where to find them,
how to use them.

There were side effects --
lust, wrath, and most damnably impotence --
which the Devil neglected to mention.

The muscles, however,
formed and performed as promised,
and the bodybuilder was pleased.

It took a while for other humans to notice,
but eventually they did,
and new rules were made.

So the Devil returned,
and offered another deal,
if the bodybuilder would bring friends.

Again the man agreed,
and the Devil spoke of blood doping
and certain obscure herbs.

The men came in,
and the souls went down,
and the Devil was thrilled with results.

As for the side effects,
well, there was always Viagra
or old staples like rhino horn and tiger penis.

horror, reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, poem, spirituality

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