This poem came out of the August 6, 2013 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by a prompt from
perfectworry. It has been sponsored by
timescaper. You can read more about the
indriso form online. Instead of the usual iambic pentameter, this one is written in
trochaic pentameter, with the stress falling at the beginning of each line so that it ends in an unstressed syllable.
"All These I Embrace"
I will take this place that I've been given.
I will learn to love the skies I'm under.
Though it's not my own -- though I've been driven --
I will face it with a sense of wonder.
Let my crimes and theirs be all forgiven,
Oaths cast off and bonds now torn asunder.
Wind and earth and vastly booming ocean:
All these I embrace with fresh devotion.