Poem: "Inifinitesimal Divinities"

Dec 05, 2013 22:32

This poem came out of the December 3, 2013 Poetry Fishbowl.  It was inspired by a prompt from Dreamwidth user Jjhunter.  It has been sponsored by baaing_tree.  You can read more about the indriso form online.

Infinitesimal Divinities
-- an indriso

How many angels dance upon a pin?
How many iron atoms make a head?
Does God transcend the world, or dwell within?

A circle dance is held, but never led:
Each dancer's hand is clasped in its own spin,
A stranger charm than any priests have said.

Twixt science and religion, veils run thin,

And God holds every atom as they tread.

reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, poem, science, spirituality, weblit

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