This month's poetry fishbowl went very well. I started about noon and wrapped up at 11 PM, with lunch and supper breaks in between.
I wrote 10 poems, and they ran long -- two of them clear into the custom pricing range. Most were single prompts, though some combined two prompts. One actually used someone's set of prompts as an outline; that was fun. All but two were free verse, leaning heavily on alliteration and imagery to create a poetic flavor. The freebie poem is "Luck and Magic,"
posted here (scroll down, it's near the bottom). There were 42 comments, including mine, and 9 people posted prompts.
This month's donors are:
minor_architect, and
browngirl. I'm delighted to announce that this is the biggest month yet for donations! W00T! You folks are so wonderful. So far I've posted the sponsored poems
"The Cave of Stories" and
"The Goddess and the Bull." "Sing a Song of Silver" should appear in a few days when the check arrives. I'll also see about posting the donor perk and the general sponsorship poll, hopefully today.
Thank you all for your support! I had a great day yesterday.