Unsold Poems from the September 2, 2014 Poetry Fishbowl

Sep 12, 2014 02:17

The following poems from the September 3, 2014 Poetry Fishbowl are currently available. Poems may be sponsored via PayPal -- there's a permanent donation button on my LiveJournal profile page -- or you can write to me and discuss other methods.

"Because of the Moon" -- 508 lines, $254 (Frankenstein's Family) SOLD
Your prompt about Victor and Igor inspired the free-verse poem "Because of the Moon."  Victor is feeling wretched, something is eating their chickens, and Igor has his hands full trying to take care of everything at once.

"Calling for Backup" -- 120 lines, $60 (Polychrome Heroics) SOLD
For Ruggiero and the Puppetmaster I wrote the free-verse poem "Calling for Backup."  When an ordinary mission suddenly gets way more complicated, the sensible mobster calls his boss for fresh instructions.
(Available after a story by DW user Dialecticdreamer is posted.)

"Flowers of Heaven, Roots of Hell" -- 52 lines, $20
A Dreamwidth prompt inspired "Flowers of Heaven, Roots of Hell," which is written in free verse.  It explores the entheogens, plants with the power to heal or to destroy, and why they appeal to people.

"Warm Fuzzies" -- 108 lines, $54 (Schrodinger's Heroes)
A Dreamwidth prompt about Art finding peace inspired the free-verse poem "Warm Fuzzies."  Quinn notices that Art seems wound up, and offers sensory play as a way to unwind.  Fluff and cuddles ensue.  Quinn is the fandom bicycle, but not just for sex; he's an all-purpose comfort boy.

"What We Call Chaos" -- 232 lines, $116 (Polychrome Heroics) SOLD
A Dreamwidth prompt about sisters inspired the free-verse poem "What We Call Chaos."  Lawrence enjoys visiting Stan's family, but sometimes the experience is overwhelming.  He's not used to talking or trying to cook with six other people swarming around.  He wants it anyway, even if he doesn't understand it all yet.

"When Words Are Inadequate" -- 406 lines, $203 (Polychrome Heroics) SOLD
Some Dreamwidth prompts went into the free-verse poem "When Words Are Inadequate."  Lawrence and Stan cook curry together as Lawrence tries to figure out how he feels about fitting Stan into his life so intimately.

"The Woods Women" -- 106 lines, $55 (The Blueshift Troupers)
This turned out kind of dark and creepy in places, and kind of sweet and fluffy in other places. It's science fiction about human women merging with alien trees, set in The Blueshift Troupers. "The Woods Women" is written in free verse.

reading, writing, shopping, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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