Our theme this month was "yarn, thread, and string." I worked from 12 PM to 5:45 A.M. so about 15 hours 15 minutes allowing for lunch and supper breaks. I wrote 11 poems on Tuesday and another 9 later.
Participation was enthusiastic, with 44 comments on LiveJournal and 53 on Dreamwidth. Please welcome new prompters DW user Capriuni and Nsfwords. You have them to thank for the extra freebie.
Read Some Poetry!
The following poems from the September 1, 2015 Poetry Fishbowl have been posted:
Closing the Loops"
The Colors of Fire"
No Terrible Consequences"
Of Cats and Cosmic Strings"
Plastic Futures"
Threading the Labyrinth"
Tie a String Around It"
To Catch the Wind"
The Word for Family Is Forest"
The Yarns of My Youth"
Buy some poetry!
If you plan to sponsor some poetry but haven't made up your mind yet, see the
unsold poetry list for September 1, 2015. That includes the title, length, price, and the original thumbnail description for the poems still available.
All currently sponsored poems from this session have been posted. There were only six donors this time:
janetmiles, DW user Capriuni, DW user Dialecticdreamer, Anthony and Shirley Barrette. Welcome new donor Capriuni, who helped activate the second freebie.
The Poetry Fishbowl project also has a permanent
landing page.