This poem came out of the February 2009 Poetry Fishbowl, inspired by
this painting by
flutterbychild. It was sponsored by an extra general donation.
The Key to My Heart Is Upside Down
- a quatern
The key to my heart is upside down.
Each candle stands for a love or friend.
They are not large, and have no renown.
I burn my candles at just one end.
This candle is red, and these ones blue.
The key to my heart is upside down.
Our lives are colored by me and you.
My soul is pink and my skin is brown.
My mind is a village, not a town.
I live for the faces that I know.
The key to my heart is upside down.
It shines like a flame through winter snow.
The world don’t know what to make of me.
What do I care for gold, or a crown?
I love without locks, and I am free.
The key to my heart is upside down.