Poetry Fishbowl Report for May 5, 2009

May 07, 2009 12:46

Tuesday's fishbowl got off to a good start, and then prompts continued to trickle in through the day, which was really nice. I started at 11 AM and stopped at 9:45 PM when I was worn out writing, for a total of 8 hours 45 minutes given lunch and supper breaks. I wrote a total of 20 poems, mostly medium and long; no epics this time and very little on the short end. Usually when I write poems in the upper teens or beyond, it's because I'm getting a lot of short ones. There were several form poems, but more free verse. A fair number of poems combined multiple prompts.

This month 17 people sent prompts, which is the most ever, wow! 3 of those were first-time prompters: welcome to miintikwa, asakiyume, and marina_bonomi. Once again we had places where one person's prompt inspired another, as when newroticgirl and wyld_dandelyon set the stage for "The Forest Path." There were 54 comments including mine, also the highest ever, beating December 2008 by one.

These are the fishbowl poems that have already been published:
"Deep and Wide"
"I Know What the Caged Bird Sings"
"In the Midst"
"Learning to Belong"
"The Map to Crossroads"
"Packing for the Long Haul"
"Riding the Startides"
"Road Whispers"
"The Sights Reserved"
"The Webs of Death"
"Where No One Has Gone"
"The World's Widows"

Two people are also seeking sponsors or cosponsors for specific poems. EDIT 5/18/09: Both of these poems have been fully funded.

This month's donors include: ellenmillion, paegan, asakiyume, minor_architect, je_reviens, mtrose2, janetmiles, ladyqkat, and tabard. This is the first time as sponsors for paegan and tabard, so welcome! I suspect that more donations will arrive, which might affect the general fund, so I'm going to hold off on the generally sponsored poetry poll for a little while. However, I'll go ahead and post the donor perk shortly. Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm.

EDIT 5/18/09: Added poems and sponsors.

reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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