Poem: "Constant Kindness"

Feb 04, 2025 23:54

This is today's freebie. It was inspired by prompts from wyld_dandelyon, Dreamwidth users See_also_friend, and Alchemicink. It also fills the "Make New Friends" square in my 2-1-25 card for the Valentines Bingo fest. This poem belongs to the series Daughters of the Apocalypse.

"Constant Kindness"

[0 A.E.]

Their little campsite was
slowly gaining popularity.

It stood beside a stream
that people had come
to call Keepers Creek.

Up the slope, the women
had built a sort of root cellar
into the side of the hill, lined
with rocks, for their warehouse.

"We need to make new friends,"
Maricela said to Edmund and Itanya
as they packed their recent haul
of trade goods into the space.
"People depend on each other."

"Okay," said Itanya. "How?"

"We should do something kind
for people who come here, so
that they will prefer us over
other traders," said Maricela.

"Baker's dozen," said Edmund.
"When we make a trade, we'll
throw in a little extra. Help me
look for something tiny that's
useful and we have plenty of it."

"Ah now, that's a great idea,"
said Maricela. "Let's try that."

So the three of them dug
through the current supplies.

"There are these survival cards,"
said Itanya, holding one up.

"Not enough of them,"
Edmund said, frowning.

"We have plenty of tampons,
but I think that they're too high in
value to give away," said Maricela.

"Definitely too high," Edmund said.
"What about dental floss? The boxes
are small, but we've got a huge case
of them -- it would last us for years."

"Perfect," said Maricela. "That
has so many survival uses. You
can tie things together, go fishing,
even use it for sewing thread."

So they packed some boxes
of dental floss into a bag and
went back down to their camp.

"We came up with an idea to make
new friends," Maricela told Afedita.

"Oh, what is it?" Afedita asked.

"Edmund suggested giving
little gifts when we trade,"
said Maricela. "We plan
to start with dental floss."

"Constant kindness can
accomplish so much,"
Edmund said. "As the sun
makes ice melt, kindness
causes misunderstanding
and hostility to evaporate."

"Yes it does," Afedita said,
patting his shoulder, "and
in this world, we need all
the kindness we can get."

* * *


"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate."
-- Albert Schweitzer

The 8 Best Survival Cards

27 Survival Uses For Dental Floss

reading, writing, family skills, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, science fiction, poem, weblit

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