This poem came from the July 7, 2009 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by prompts from
haikujaguar and
wyld_dandelyon, then sponsored by
Technology is only a tool,
they say,
but oh what a tool it is!
This is what
gives our minds leverage
over matter.
It cannot change
who we are,
but it can give us a chance
to become
more truly ourselves.
Bodies are only so big,
and souls
are ineffably vast,
too much data to download
all into one little brain.
if you will,
that we could increase
our soulwidth.
Imagine that we could
access the part of ourselves
that is always in contact
with a Higher Power,
that we could tap into
that power
not indirectly
through the dim relay
of prayer,
but directly -
plugging embodied souls
into the cosmic core.
Believe that the chains of the past,
once understood,
can be shortened
so they no longer reach the present.
Believe that the future is yet fluid,
that it is not carved in stone,
that it can be changed
even by something as insubstantial
as a dream.
Believe that all things are possible,
that our young ones
could cast off their jaded coats
to become
laughing activists,
humming along
to the music of the spheres
as they repair,
one by one,
the problems that plagued us.
Freedom is
what you make of it
and when the soulwidth
is wide enough
there is room
for angel wings to open
all the way down to Earth.