The poetry fishbowl got off to a slow start -- it was about an hour before the first prompts arrived -- and toward the end I lost a lot of time because the Net connection kept going down. So I worked from 12:30 PM to 2:30 AM, minus meal breaks and connection dysfunctions, for a total of 10 hours productive labor. I wrote a total of 11 poems, all of them medium or long. The first poem of the day was an epic, making me late for lunch, and I got 3 more after that, so 4 epics in one day; about a third of my output. Out of the 11 poems, 5 had rhyme and meter, most of those ballads of some sort; the rest were free verse.
Now here are two oddities, and I'm pretty sure this is the first time for each: 1) Every poem used one and only one prompt; no combinations. 2) I used one and only one prompt from each person. Some folks gave me a lot of great prompts that I wanted to use, but between the epics and the technological struggles, I didn't have time for anything more. Much of this is probably due to the topic, since folk tales are narratives already and they tend to run long; that's okay. Last month ran to medium and short poems.
This month, 11 people sent prompts, including first-time prompter
dormouse_in_tea. There were 43 comments including mine.
The following fishbowl poems have been published:
"The Bindweed Blues" "Bothering Baba Yaga's House" "Come Midwinter at Carterhall" "The Cuckoo's Song" "Folkweave" "The Moon in a Silver Cup" "The Mullah Goes to Chelm" Another poem,
"The Cuckoo's Song," is partially sponsored and seeking cosponsors. I have updated it to include all the funded verses, so there are now 14. A tally of donations appears with the poem.
The general fund currently contains $5 but there were no short poems this month (and the single $10 poem has since been sponsored). I've contacted that donor to discuss what to do. Meanwhile, however, there are two $15 poems remaining so if anyone wants to chip in $10 you could vote between "The Call of the Cwn Annwn" or "Electronic Arcana."
This month's donors are:
asakiyume, and first-time donor
dormouse_in_tea. I'll get a donor perk-post written ... er, when I can cram it into my schedule. (I have activities planned every day from now through Monday. O_O ) Thank you all very much for your support.
The permanent landing page for this project
is here.